Conratulations, champ!

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~msgScore~: +0

1. Ryan_K ,

Congratulations to mario.alberto.iglesias, the winner of the Scopa tournament! I want to thank everyone who showed up, who waited, who participated. Especially those who waited as it was chaotic and a lot of unexpected issues came which i had to figure out how to solve in my first time even taking part in a tournament. My apologies to everyone who was kept back by my inefficiencies. I want to especially thank Uzhhhho for her assistance over the last couple weeks and tonight but also Nikola. Nikola was only brought in this week but stayed up so very very late and took on alot more than I initially told him he would have to on the go. Thank you so much everyone! It was great!

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von Ryan_K , Nov 17 2019 04:50:26

2. Naday,

Congratulations, Mario! You played great, as well as all the players taking part in this tournament. The final was a tough one, but you got a well-deserved win!

And thanks to you, Ryan, for organizing such a fun tournament. It was really long time since the last time I decided to be at a tournament and this was a fun one. And no need to thank for the help, that's why I'm here. :) I hope after this you are willing to host another one soon. :D

~msgScore~: +0

3. YNWA,

That's super Mario, nice win.

~msgScore~: +0

4. Nikola,

Congratulations indeed, and thanks for a great tournament! It's not a problem to help, especially since it was your first time organizing.

~msgScore~: +0

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