Lock down Special Uno tournament

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1. Epic_Krrish,

Hey people,

As you all know we are forced to stay home due to this lock down currently, therefore, this time is the same popular game which I and fawaz going to host again. The tournament will be played on the Saturday the 13th june, and Sunday the 14th of june, 2020.
The tournament will commenced at 17:00 western, 9:00am central, 10:00 AM eastern US, 3:00pm UK 4:00pm Egypt, Albania and some other European countries, 5:00pm turkey and middle east and some eastern cities, 7:30pm in India and some other Asian countries, 2:00Am in Fiji and Australia and some other pacific Island countries. That is 3:00PM GMT.

  1. We will be taking only 32 players for the tournament.
  2. We will have 8 groups of 4 players, where players will face off each other and the best 2 from each group will make it to next round.
  3. The rules will be as usual, Plus 2 and 4 responses are allowed, no skipping after drawing, interceptions, super interceptions, bluffs and a time limit of 5 seconds.
  4. If any questions then contact me or Fawaz for this tournament.
    Kind regards,
    Graphic Thumb emoticon.

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2. mogo,

Seems I'm the first, count me in please.

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3. unolover,

hay guys put me in pleese

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4. CatOfTheCanals ,

Hey! count me in, please

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5. reklaw,

Count me in also, please.

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6. sir-yazan ,

hello, please count me in bro. thanks

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7. clarice-starling,

hi! count me in, please

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8. krawid,

me too please

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9. Guitasma,

coudme in , please

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10. Nikola,

Count me in.

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11. captain-nemo,

Hi, guys. Hey @pajaro, count me in, thanks.

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12. Cristhoper ,

hello sur, please coudme in me to. :)

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13. UmikoIshikawa ,

please sir, I also want to, so count me

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14. Angelina-princess,

How could I be absent in this exciting tourney! Despite I might be frozen in that time. :)

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15. ridho,

att me

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16. gfriha,

Count me in, please.

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17. boo-boo,

count me iiiiiiiin!

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18. medo,

hey guys,
count me in, please

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19. blaise97,

count me in pleaze.

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20. Lemonade,

You can put me on that list as well.

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21. Epic_Krrish,

We are pleased to such a responce so far. We will try to contact the new players and see their commitments before confirming the final groups. We will close registerations on 9th June. so keep rolling your names in.

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22. bogdanionut,

Hi, Count me in. Thanks

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23. ConoShikaTo,

hey there!
Count me in too, please. thanks!

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24. Madalin,

Hello. I want to participate too. Thanks.

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25. el-soldadito-de-plomo ,

this will be awesome, I am in, and also my friend @mesiofhokey wants to participate. he will confirm as soon as he can. cheers!

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26. Fawaz,

within 48 hours we have got around 36 players registered, keep it up, if we got enough players we can change the format to include more players.
I see some new names, which is exciting, just make sure you play by the rules posted above in the orginal post.
good luck all!

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27. el-soldadito-de-plomo ,

what the heck, 36 players all ready in 48 hours? thats cool bro, lets keep it up to see if we can get to 60 xd!

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28. policeman1,

add me in before i make arrest till i win it all!.

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29. redbox,

i’ll take a spot

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30. Something,

I'd like to be put on that list as well, looking forward to it. Thanks!

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