Cribbage marking points suggestion

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~msgScore~: +8

1. Vojvoda,

I had a little suggestion which could be useful for those who have problems with shaking hands. More seriously I've seen this happening to multiple people for one or the other reason. Let's say you have 10 points you could add by mistake one more zero and destroy the whole game, so I thought limit of the written points should be decreased. For example numbers with three digits shouldn't be possible to enter at all. Perhaps nothing more is even needed to change, simply if you write three digits count it as invalid imput since that is the most common mistake.

~msgScore~: +2

2. YNWA,

Perhaps a limit of 10 would be the maximum you could give away if you made an error either way.

~msgScore~: +0

3. Aminiel,


Just a question to be clear: are you talking about windows client, web client, or both ?

The web client has effectively no protection against out of range inputs. But normally, windows client has it since v3. For cribbage scoring, minimum is 0 and maximum is 40, so normally, it shouldn't be possible to enter a number outside this range.

That being said, you are probably right, I should cap the score given to other players because of miscounting to some maximum, independently from range input limits. How much should it be ? 5 ? 10 ? more ? customizable ?

~msgScore~: +3

4. Vojvoda,

I am talking about the Windows client here, not sure how is it on the web.
I just tested it out, I Had 6 points, wrote 200 and the computer got 94 points. I think the maximum of 10 to fail would be sufficient. 5 wouldn't be enough because you still could miss a suit or a straight. So, for example if I have 5 points in my hand and wrote 50, the opponent should get 10.

~msgScore~: +1

5. YNWA,

10 points as a maximum limit is good enough for me.

~msgScore~: +0

6. Aminiel,

This feature is now implemented.

~msgScore~: +1

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