Adding same options to Duck racing as to most of games (~LabelOngoing~)

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~msgScore~: +0

1. Emrah20,

Thanks to Quentin C for make most of the games more accessible to easily selecting options.
Please, could You do same thing to Duck racing, as for example It is on Uno, or Monopoly? I think to those check boxes and option to set to default options. Good job Aminiel.
Marco Oros

~msgScore~: +0

2. Aminiel,


Thank you for your message and encouragements.

The new option system is in progress. Some game have already been converted, some are in beta-test, and some are to come. At the end, it will be present in all games.

More specifically, new option system of duck's race is currently in beta-test stage.

~msgScore~: +1

Zuletzt geändert von Aminiel, Jun 27 2024 06:29:23


Hi Aminiel, than-you for the playroom. In Duck
Racing, it would be great if we could save challenge preferences when saving a table. For example, many of us play with just 10 or 12 challenges, but every time we start a new game, we have to choose them all over again. This doesn't happen with other tables, where once you finish a game and hit enter, it starts up again with the preferences you'd picked before.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von CREADOR, Jul 1 2024 15:50:22

4. Nikola,

yes, when the new options system is released in Duck racing, your selected challenges will be saved across multiple games on the same table.

As said by Aminiel currently it is being tested.

~msgScore~: +1

5. horse,

Options for games are not saved to your account, so right now this is not possible. The developer is focused on making sure the new options system works for each game before anything else is done. The thought of having default option templates has been recently discussed, but if this does happen it will not be soon.

~msgScore~: +0

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