New Game: Tien len

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~msgScore~: +0

1. Space-Rage,


My Friend from Vietnam has told Me a cool Game which it's similar to Rummy

Here are The Rules which My Friend has sent Me

This game can be played with four Players. A Standard 52 Card Deck is used; there are No Jokers and No Wild Cards. It is possible for Two or Three to play. It can also be played by more than Four players, using Two 52 card packs shuffled together.
The Game is normally dealt and played clockwise, but it can be played anticlockwise instead if the players agree in advance to do so.
The ranking of the cards is: Two (highest), Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three (lowest).
Within each rank There is also an order of suits: Hearts (highest), Diamonds, Clubs, Spades (lowest).
So The 3 of Spades is The lowest Card in The pack, and The 2 of Hearts is the highest. Rank is more important than suit, so for example The 8 of Spades beats the 7 of Hearts.
The Deal
For The first Game, The dealer is chosen at random; subsequently The loser of each Game has to deal The next. When there are Four players, 13 Cards are dealt to each player.
If there are fewer than Four players, 13 Cards are still dealt to each player, and There will be some Cards left undealt - These are not used in The Game. An alternative with Three players is, by prior agreement, to deal 17 Cards each. When There are only Two players, only 13 Cards each should be dealt - If All The cards were dealt The players would be able to work out each other's Hands, which would spoil the Game. When there are more than Four players, You can agree in advance either to deal 13 Cards each from The double Deck, or deal as many Cards as possible equally to The players.
The Play
In The first Game only, The player with The 3 of Spades begins play. If No One has the 4 of Spades (in The three or two player Game) whoever holds The lowest Card begins. The player must begin by playing this lowest Card, either on its own or as part of a combination.
In subsequent Games, The winner of The previous Game plays first, and it can start with any combination.
Each player in turn must now either beat the previously played Card or combination, by playing a Card or combination that beats it, or pass and not play any Cards. The played card /cards) are placed in a Heap face up in The centre of The Table. The play goes around The Table as many times as necessary until Someone plays a Card or combination that No One else beats. When this happens, All The played Cards are set aside, and The Person whose play was unbeaten starts again by playing any legal Card or combination face up to The centre of The table.
If You pass You are locked out of The play until Someone makes a play that No One beats. Only when The Cards are set aside and a New Card or combination is led are You entitled to play again.
Example (with three players): The player Who's in right plays a Single Three, You hold an ace but decide to pass, The player to Your left plays a nine and The player to right plays a King. You can't beat The King with your Ace, because You have already passed. If The third player passes too, and Your right Hand Opponent now leads a Queen, You can play Your ace if You want to.
The legal plays in The Game are as follows:
Single Card
The lowest single Card is The 3 of Spades and The highest is the 2 of Hearts.
Two Cards of The same rank - such as 7 of clubs and 7 of Diamonds or Queen of Diamonds and Queen of spades.
Three Cards of The same rank - such as 5 of Diamonds, 5 of Hearts, and 5 of Clubs
Four of a kind
Four Cards of The same rank - such as 9 of Hearts, 9 of diamonds, 9 of Clubs and 9 of Spades.
Three or more Cards of consecutive rank (The suits can be mixed) - such as 4 of Diamonds, 5 of Spades and 6 of Hearts or Jack of Diamonds, Queen of Hearts, King of hearts, Ace of Clubs and 2 of Diamonds. Sequences can't "turn The corner" between Two and Three - A, 2 and 3 is not a valid sequence because 2 is high and 3 is low.
Double Sequence
Three or more pairs of consecutive rank - such as 3, 3, 4, 4, 5 and 5 or 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9 and 9.
In General, a combination can only be beaten by a higher combination of The same type and same Number of Cards. So if a Single Card is led, only Single Cards can be played; If a pair is led only pairs can be played; a Three Card sequence can only be beaten by a higher Three card sequence; and so on. You can't for example beat a pair with a triple, or a four Card sequence with a five card sequence.
To decide which of Two combinations of The same type is higher You just look at The highest Card in The combination. For example 7 of hearts and 7 of Spades beats 7 of Diamondsand 7 of Clubs because The Heart beats The Diamond. In The same way 8 of Spades and 9 of Spades, 10 of Diamonds beats 8 of Hearts, 9 of Hearts, 10 of Clubs because it is The highest Cards (The tens) that are compared.
There are just Four exceptions to The rule that a combination can only be beaten by a combination of The same type:

  1. A Four of a kind can beat any Single Two (but not any other Single Card, such as An Ace or King). A Four of a kind can be beaten by a higher Four of a kind.
  2. A sequence of Three pairs (such as 7, 7, , 8, 9 and 9) can beat any single Two (but not any other Single Card). A sequence of Three pairs can be beaten by a higher sequence of Three pairs.
  3. A sequence of Four pairs (such as 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8 and 8) can beat a pair of Twos (but not any other pair). A sequence of Four pairs can be beaten by a higher sequence of Four pairs.
  4. A sequence of Five pairs (such as 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, J, J, Q, Q) can beat a set of three Twos (but not any other Three of a kind). A sequence of Five pairs can be beaten by a higher sequence of Five pairs.
  5. Note that These exceptions only apply to beating Twos, not other Cards. For example, if Someone plays an Ace You can't beat it with Your Four of a kind, but if The Ace has been beaten by a Two, then Your Four of a kind can be used to beat The Two.
    End of The Play and Payments
    As players run out of Cards They drop out of The play. If The player whose turn it is to play has No Cards left, The turn passes to The next player in rotation. The play ends when only One player has Cards left. That player is The loser, and must pay a fixed Stake to each of The other players.
    This Game is often played for money, and sometimes for High Stakes. Among serious players, typically The loser of a Game would have to pay $2000 to each of The others. In a session of play, a Person might easily lose (or win) a total of $50000 or more.
    Customs and Ethics
    Some types of behaviour which in many other Card Games would be regarded as cheating are generally considered acceptable in Tien Len. For example among Some players it OK to peek at other players' Cards, or to play out of turn if You can get away with it.

~msgScore~: +0

2. Vojvoda ,

Did Dejan lopov write these rules?

~msgScore~: +1

3. Space-Rage,

No, My Friend Himself wrote it

~msgScore~: +0

4. Vojvoda ,

Are you sure Dejan lopov wasn't working on those rules?

~msgScore~: +1

5. Angelina-princess,

Hello, the first, I would like to say thank you & very glad to be read this post. I'm a Vietnamese & I'm sure that "Tien Len" is one of the most popular game in Vietnam.
The description for it is quite complete. However, has some features r quite strange. I think, maybe He/she who wrote this is a Vietnamese living in another area.
Some features which I think it's quite strange, for example, at first round, the card to play at beginning is 3 of club (not 3 of spades); or the straights r exactly without any card two; the triple pairs cannot beat two & so on....
So if you don't mind let me know who wrote this topic & we can discuss more about it.
I really hope that "Tien len" will be considered & created a new game on playroom.
Thank you again with nice appreciate!

~msgScore~: +0

6. Space-Rage,

"Are you sure Dejan lopov wasn't working on those rules?"

Yes, and I never heard about Him

@Angelina-princes I couldn't spell His Nickname, because His nickname is too long and strange

Yesterday He has told Me that This Game has many Veryations

He's only available in Holidays

~msgScore~: +0

7. Angelina-princess,

yes, can say this game has some versions depend on the areas . So we can play with some differences.
If u can find his name & we can discuss more about this so it's really nnice.

~msgScore~: +0

8. Nasreddin,

Heheee I dun no, I'm quite concerned that their name is Pagat... Well. The full name would be
It seems to me as if you were trying to move all of Pagat's content to this forum in these last days, so good luck with it. Nice game anyway.

~msgScore~: +0

9. Space-Rage,

Well, sounds a bit similar but There are veryitians

also They call team Partnership

Maybe My Friend has goten it from There or He wrote it by Himself, because The Content is slightly different from

Anyway: I'll find His Name soon, He's rarely online in The Weakend, but mostly online in Holidays like Yesterday

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von Space-Rage, Oct 11 2016 17:27:50

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