changing your gender

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~msgScore~: +0

1. DaRealist,

how do you change your gender on the play room. it shows the rong gender when I sign in. What can I do.

~msgScore~: +0

2. Aminiel,

Could you explain more, with an example if possible ? I don't understand your problem.

There is nowhere in the playroom where your gender has to be known. It simply doesn't matter.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von Aminiel, Dec 16 2011 14:07:42

3. jage,

There's some places in the games where it says his. Maybe that's the confusion? Or it should say their instead.

~msgScore~: +0

4. CathyAnne ,

Well, I know that on Ryan Smith's games, you are able to switch the gender from male to female by pressing the letter g. I think that it would be cool to have such a thing for the users of this particular server. I think that that is what should be done.

~msgScore~: +0

5. Burak,

Yes, there are female people too.

~msgScore~: +0

6. Aminiel,

I don't know why you focus on that. It shouldn't matter so much. I will do something one day, but it's really not an urgent feature. I'm not obliged to propose the same features as RSGC.

Having a letter only for that is totally useless: you don't change your gender every 5 minutes, right ? So even if I propose an option, you will have to change it on the website.

~msgScore~: +0

7. jage,

Just go through and replace the word his with the word their, then you're set and gender doesn't matter.

~msgScore~: +0

8. Aminiel,

Just go through and replace the word his with the word their, then you're set and gender doesn't matter.

Their is for plural, right ? It doesn't work in sentances like "XXX get YYY points, hist total score is now ZZZ".
IN french it would be wrong, I suppose in english too.

Anyway, I have tried to minimize the number of times "his" appears by rephrasing where possible. It still does in about only 10-15 sentances. It's quite few if you consider that the whole playroom contains more than 1000.

Just have fun , and don't care about that and everything goes well. Perhaps a day the solution will come, but not yet.

~msgScore~: +0

9. jage,

No you could say, their total score is 555 points. That's fine in English.

~msgScore~: +0

10. Mayya ,

their works well, and his/her too. i have done that in all the translations I did, so if you still have such a problem, it means that either the game is not retranslated, or this particular translation was not accepted by the admins
have a nice day

~msgScore~: +0

11. Aminiel,

If "their" is fine, I will adopt it, since it's awful to have to precise /her all the time, from a reading speed point of view. The waste of time because of that precision would be terrific in uno with super-interceptions for example.

Thank you for clarifications, I didn't know that this particular form was permitted.

~msgScore~: +0

12. jage,

Also in Uno, on the interseption fail message, it says penality points. It should be penalty. That message is quite long anyway though.

~msgScore~: +0

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