Questions and opinions about Citadels

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~msgScore~: +0

31. Lemonade,

Hmm is there such a shortcut? I thought it was just the amount of gold required to build the quarter, minus 1. Since you can apparently destroy some quarters for 0 gold.

~msgScore~: +0

32. Giovani ,

Also, there is another message, word 'dunjon' must be corrected to dungeon.

~msgScore~: +0

33. YNWA,

I think people may find this link useful

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34. HeadphoneJack,

yeah it's the cost of the quoter -1, accept if the target has a highwall, in which case it's the original price of the quoter.

~msgScore~: +0

35. YNWA,

Just out of interest the Murderer is called the Assassin and the Wizard is called the Magician from the Original game but I am happy with how things because effectively they do the same job. Interestingly European rules are different to American rules.

I Will check game for errors but most are good but there is 1 or 2 things I am unsure about.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von YNWA, Oct 15 2018 11:56:39

36. Mohammedradwan2003,

usually ou can only destroy 1 only

~msgScore~: +0

37. YNWA,

Percept income of noble quarters - do you mean intercept, receive or something else.

Dunjon should be dungeon
Townhall should have a space Town Hall
Many of the cards are very good, interesting to note 4 chess pieces King, Queen, Bishop and Castle.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von YNWA, Oct 15 2018 22:32:51

38. Aminiel,

Thank you YNWA, I will make the spelling fixes soon.

Percept income of noble quarters - do you mean intercept, receive or something else.

I mean receive. Percept is incorrect ?

Interestingly European rules are different to American rules.

What are the differences ? Only the names, or it goes further than that ?
Note that there are 4 editions of the game, and that the playroom only implements the first one. Informations for further editions are difficult to find on the Internet, this may be for a later time if I have the chance to scan the latest game box.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von Aminiel, Oct 16 2018 06:08:32

39. Naday,

If I may write it here, just so I don't create another topic, not really sure what happened, how happened, and I didn't send the game report because I was playing at the Spanish side, so excuse me if I translated something wrong. It's a bug on the game:
It's the turn of the thief.
It's Dayan's turn.
What do you wish to do?
Choose a card to add to your hand:
You have 1 gold and 3 built quarters for a total of 10 points.
You draw a card.
What do you wish to do?
Which character do you want to steal?
You steal the warlord.
Choose a quarter to build:
You don't have enough gold to build this quarter.
It's the turn of the wizard.
No wizard is present.
It's Dayan's turn.
What do you wish to do?
You get 2 gold coins.
What do you wish to do?
Which character do you want to steal?
You steal the king.
Choose a quarter to build:
You build a monastery for 3 gold.
It's the turn of the king.
You steal 1 gold from Terminator.
It's Terminator's turn.

Besides of me being able to play twice my turn, the bot never played after that so I had to close the game.

~msgScore~: +0

40. Exink,

Also, there's a very nasty bug taken from the spanish side (submited by Galoneir):

If you decide to draw one card or take two gold coins by pressing enter but very rapidly, the game gives you lots of stuff you wanted to draw.

Besides of that, this game is absolutely great!

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von Exink, Oct 17 2018 07:02:36

41. Lemonade,

Yes, I can confirm this one. It didn't happen when picking gold, but it definitely did when drawing cards. I could draw at least 3.

~msgScore~: +0

42. Vojvoda ,

Wouldn't it make the game faster if it would say for example merchant and the architect are excluded from this turn

~msgScore~: +0

43. MuhammadHajjar,

Yeah I hope this bug gets fixed as soon as possible so we can get back to play normally.

~msgScore~: +0

44. Naday,

We can play normally if with trustable people who agree not to use that bug, though. But true, not everyone is honest sadly, so yeah hopefully it gets fixed soon.

~msgScore~: +0

45. MuhammadHajjar,

Admittedly we were in a game yesterday testing the bug for 2 turns (including me) but the game got ruined because some people kept using it even after everyone's request of stopping, so most of the players did leave.

~msgScore~: +0

46. Vojvoda ,

Can I get a little help, what is the difference when I play with open discard. Is there any way to check cards from discard?

~msgScore~: +0

47. Lemonade,

I'm not sure if you can actually see the discard pile, but with open discard it does tell you what people discard. Like if they decide to draw a card, they also discard one, and it will tell you what that was.

~msgScore~: +0

48. Sevrior,

The trouble is that this is an interesting game, but it does require a few players to be worth playing. And it seems that interest from the general base is low. Whenever I create a table, I'm very, very lucky to get 2 people at once unless I wait a good hour or more. Likewise, all of the tables created are usually one or two people at most. More often, it's one person and 3 bots.
This makes it difficult to really see the game in action.

~msgScore~: +0

49. Lemonade,

People do play, its just that most of the games are private.

~msgScore~: +0

50. Sylphrena,

f11 key allows you to get around the limitation of not being able to cancel card draw. A little bug report!

~msgScore~: +0

51. Aminiel,

@Sevrior: Unfortunately it's generally the case for most of the games as soon as they require more thinking than 1000 miles or farkle.

This is a fact: vaste majority of the tables are a single human players playing with bots.

Except a few quite well established friend circles with players who regularely play with eachother, most people play alone with bots most of the time.

This is the same for all languages, and the more the game considered requires thinking, the more this fact is generally true.

~msgScore~: +0

52. Nikola,

Sad, but a very true fact. When I see 15 games of 1000 miles I wonder how people can play that for years without being bored. It's a good game, but how do you play the same stuff for such a long time? When it comes to citadels, it's a lot of fun and you can invite me to games when I'm around. Me and some friends usually end up playing while being on Skype and it's a lot of fun with everybody bluffing and discussing the game.

~msgScore~: +0

53. YNWA,

There is a language barrier plus the old subject of people not knowing the games and I agree with you Nikola how can people just play one or two games year in year out. There is a saying variety is the spice of life and that is why I am glad Aminiel has introduced this game to the PR.

~msgScore~: +0

54. Nikola,

I also agree with the language barrier. Now that this game came out, it is very hard to play with people who are not good in English and I have seen that personally with my friends and me trying to help by translating the rules. This I believe is a great moment to open up the opportunity for new translations.

~msgScore~: +0

55. ChrisCornell ,

This is one of the best games on the system. Keep up the great work! I have no complaints.

~msgScore~: +0

56. Aminiel,

When I see 15 games of 1000 miles I wonder how people can play that for years without being bored. It's a good game, but how do you play the same stuff for such a long time?

Personnally I agree with you. I played 1000 miles when I was a child, I will play with children in the family from time to time because children find it funny and because the rules are simple for children, but probably not much more. Same for Farkle and Yahtzee. It's good once but not twice.

anyway; tastes and colors. That's why I'm trying to give a certain variety in the games on the playroom, so that everyone can find something interesting for him/her.

When it comes to citadels, it's a lot of fun and you can invite me to games when I'm around. Me and some friends usually end up playing while being on Skype and it's a lot of fun with everybody bluffing and discussing the game.

Exact, it's much funnier when talking on skype. And believe me, I have already done it (with sighted people of course), it's a lot of even more fun when being at a real table with real people.

I also agree with the language barrier. Now that this game came out, it is very hard to play with people who are not good in English and I have seen that
personally with my friends and me trying to help by translating the rules. This I believe is a great moment to open up the opportunity for new translations.

IF you are ready to translate everything, keep the translations up to date afterwards, and at least find a few helpers, why not opening a new translation.
AFterall perhaps that French isn't that required; I'm just a little afraid about communication and about what we call in French the arabic phone effect, i.e. chain of translation French>English>X instead of French>X.

~msgScore~: +0

57. Riad,

Well I can confirm the coins and cards bug. I could, for instance, press a button on my keyboard that disables my Internet connection, then press enter as much as I could before re-connecting, and heck I got more than 30 coins at once (you'd get less coins if you do the thing with your Internet on). The bug has ruined the game for me and for almost anyone else so I hope this gets solved as soon as possible to prevent false player statistics gained from cheating.
Edit: I now remember we had a similar bug in The Little Exam letting the judge steal as many points as they want from any player, but I cannot remember it in detail at the moment as I haven't played the game in ages ever since I discovered the bug.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von Riad, Oct 21 2018 11:48:01

58. Nikola,

Yes, me and my friends are always ready to start a new translation, and definitely keep it up to date as I have experience from other software and know that it isn't a one time job. If you do decide that French isn't required, you can definitely let us know and we can start working whenever you think you are ready. As I have said your English is pretty good, there have been developers with much worse English than yours communicating with their translators successfully.

~msgScore~: +0

59. Naday,

And what do you tell me about native English speakers who can't even spell properly their names? :D I would be glad to help translating playroom to another language, but the Spanish translation is already done. Well after too much nonsenses on what I just wrote, it's great that you're now open to translations. i am sure that more than one person would always welcome a translation to their own language. That would make the understanding of games much more easier, playroom would be more enjoyable and perhaps more people would come? :)

~msgScore~: +0

60. YNWA,

Yes Percept is incorrect So receive is much better. Thanks for the corrections you have made already.

Can you add :

The Blond steals you one gold to:
the blonde steals your one gold

Aminiel your translation is still very good as you have done with all the English part of the PR. You said your friend helped you so I would like to thank not only you but your friend who helped you translate the PR into English. When a lot of typing is required some errors are sure to be made.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von YNWA, Oct 23 2018 23:31:34

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