Spades: A few issues and suggestions

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~msgScore~: +0

1. Nikola,

thanks for your work with Spades, the game is quite great. In this post I would like to talk about a few problems and suggest possible solutions, as well as report a few bugs.

  1. When playing a team game, it is often hard to find out if you have been away whether someone bid a nill or not. You often have to either look through the history (which is impossible if you for example get disconnected), or you have to ask on the table, which does not always work if you play with people who are not good in English. Would it be possible to add a shortcut, shift I and shift V for example, that will display the individual bids of each player? For example, in a team of Nikola and Blue duck, pressing shift plus I would say something like, Nikola: 0 tricks, blue duck: 6 tricks.
  2. One minor bug is that a game can start with inaccurate teams. Try for example to play a game with 4 players. While you are configuring the game options, if one of the players on the table turns on their spectator mode, the game will still start, but in this case 2 players will be in a team, and 2 remaining will be playing individually.
  3. After a game is over, it is possible to press the number keys, and this causes the client to disconnect and reconnect you.
  4. Similarly to the previous one, after a game is over, pressing W often reports inaccurate information. For example, when the game finishes and one player leaves the table, the W key will still list that player even though they are no longer on the table. I think this might be the case in a few other games, perhaps Jass, though I didn't test that a lot.

It would be great to see some of these things addressed, but especially the item number 1 as that is in my opinion a very important issue. Thanks as always for your time understanding and fixing the reported issues.

~msgScore~: +0

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