Suggestions and comments

1407 Themen, 29 Seiten:  1 3 45 6 7 29 ← Zurück zur Forenliste

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Apples to Apples

Spongebob 6 Spongebob,

audio streams

codbro 0 codbro,

Suggestion to do more than one survey in the same forum.

Ronald-Weasley 0 Ronald-Weasley,

suggestion about chess

golden_secret 2 lucy_light,

New game Proposal: Fruit War

Isaac5457 3 codbro,

bot errors

codbro 0 codbro,

new game

codbro 0 codbro,

Battle Ship changes

codbro 4 codbro,

Question on Playroom Updates

imprisonedindarkness 0 imprisonedindarkness,

suggestion, table message

Copito_De_Nieve 9 Moriarty,

99 suggestion

codbro 18 M_A_G_A,

sugestion for the end of rounds

Arthas 0 Arthas ,

new game

codbro 4 Aminiel,

Permanent messages suggestion.

Franco-Escamilla 5 Franco-Escamilla ,

Game suggestion

LadyKai 2 codbro,

let the Turkish language come now.

zhugeliang 1 Aminiel,

It's impossible to see time limit rules in 99 / "R" hotkey doesn't work

M_A_G_A 0 M_A_G_A,

Asynchronous tables

Isaac5457 3 Destranis,

new game

atheanna 4 Caoimhe,

Suggestion regarding quiz party.

GeorgeWu 2 GeorgeWu,

what is the maximum players you can get on Quiz party?

GeorgeWu 2 GeorgeWu,

suggestion with regard to status messages (~LabelOngoing~)

sky360 2 Kannadiga,

Monopoly Suggestions

Mortem 2 Mortem,

Addition of the Playrooma Stratego game (~LabelOngoing~)

colonel 9 Aminiel,

suggest modification on next and previous page.

unicornioAzul 3 sky360,

WASM bots on Web Playroom

Moriarty 0 Moriarty,

suggestion, creation of ranking in the games of the playroom

Borja 3 Nikola,

status character limit is very less

empty_sky 7 Arya_Stark,

Mobile/Web Duck Racing Bugs

Sentinel 4 Rizwan,

I wish we had scrabble here

His-girlfriend 15 Naday,

suggestion for a new game: Elements of nature!

dragonoid 7 codbro,

A Suggestion for Backgammon

omeed 1 YNWA,

Better "friend" invitations

Mortem 6 Mortem,

about leaving on the table in chess at the middle of the game

Flare-Jhon 4 sopralto,

Comments on Recent Changes to Duck Racing challenges

RedHotCharliePepper 4 Nikola,

Changing disconnection notifications and spades bidding

Ryo-Bee 1 Northstrider,

Suggestion about the maximum amount of players in games

Nikola 10 Aminiel,

Suggestion for makeing streams accessible in web client

Rizwan 1 breaker,

Adjust game sppeed in play room...

breaker 0 breaker,

Changes in Duck Racing

RedHotCharliePepper 3 RedHotCharliePepper,

speed of duck challenge

ProjectZ 1 Aminiel,

A simple feature with languages

Urh2006 2 Urh2006,

Query about chess abandon

Flare-Jhon 2 Aminiel,

Cribbage marking points suggestion

Vojvoda 5 Aminiel,

New fun game

Epic_Krrish 4 aims,

Have a question about uno

eylulforreal 4 Aminiel,

suggestion of a new game

codbro 3 No-Time-no-Musume,

a suggestion for sounds in playroom.

unicornioAzul 8 dragonoid,

new game

codbro 0 codbro,

Suggestions For Duck Racing

RedHotCharliePepper 1 codbro,

1407 Themen, 29 Seiten:  1 3 45 6 7 29 ← Zurück zur Forenliste

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