Reversi bug with token sounds

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~msgScore~: +5

1. Nikola,

it seems that there is a recent regression with Reversi token sounds on the Windows client.

Normally, as you move on the board, you hear a sound on every square that has a token on it. These tokens have sounds of a different pitch, depending on whether it is your token or a token of your opponent. However, now, all tokens on the board make exactly the same sound, the play2.ogg at a completely normal pitch. This is quite confusing, since this is exactly the same sound you hear when somebody plays their turn, so as you are moving on the board and examining squares, you don't realize when your opponent played a turn since it's the same as token sounds.

Can you fix this?


~msgScore~: +3

2. Aminiel,


Thank you for signaling. This should be fixed with today's reboot.

~msgScore~: +2

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