possible issue with secret code dools in duck racing against bots

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~msgScore~: +1

1. eathan,

so when you play secret code dools against a bot in duck racing, I have noticed that it will take anywhere between 6 to 7 feathers from you at a time when you run out of guesses.
however, when you run out of opportunities against a human player, the human will only take two feathers from you.
is this something that can be addressed? Because this isn't exactly accurate.
if bots are going to be allowed to take that many feathers, then maybe humans should be as well. On the other side, if humans can only take two feathers for their opponent running out of guesses, then the bots should be limited as well.

~msgScore~: +0

2. Nikola,

unless I am misunderstanding something, both a bot or a human will take 6 feathers from you if they manage to guess the code very quickly, usually on the second or the third attempt from what I have observed. Of course it is hard to actually manually test this and definitely tell you how many times you can guess before the number of feathers decreases.

Of course, I have no idea by which logic the bots guess the code, but I am guessing here you didn't lose your feathers because you failed but rather because the bot guessed the code successfully.

~msgScore~: +1

Zuletzt geändert von Nikola, Jan 3 2023 02:46:27

3. eathan,

this may be the case, but baste on the timing that's why I said what I said.
I may be wrong about that, how ever just what I've seen.

~msgScore~: +0

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