Bug: Audio streems are not working in web clients.

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~msgScore~: +2

1. DB8275,

Reacently, I faced an ishoe on web client. The ishoe: Audio is not Playing on free table. When you stream an Audio on free table using a web browser, the audio is not playing. or if some one streams an audio on a free tble, and if I try to here it on the Web, the Audio will not playing. Please fix this ishoe on the web client. Thanks.

~msgScore~: +0

2. Rizwan,

hi i also have this ishue i am using my android phone to play i have connected a keyboard on my android mobile to play and chat everything works good but when i press control+p the audeo is not playing please do anything for this i am using chrome brouzer thank you

~msgScore~: +0

3. Nikola,

As far as I know, web client simply doesn't support streams at all. I have the feeling that this partially worked in the old, 2018 web client version and at least some formats were supported depending on the browser, but since I have no way to run that version now of course, it could also be something that changed in the browsers/web standards.

~msgScore~: +2

4. DB8275,

Yes, it worked in the older version of web client. But, it is not working any more in the latest version. so, we have to request the Developers to fix the Problem.

~msgScore~: +1

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