Some topics which I've never subscribed appearing in my subscriptions (~LabelSolved~)

6 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

~msgScore~: +3

1. Zelon,

Hi everyone.
I am having a problem in my subscriptions.
I have only subscribed to 1 topic, but some topics are appearing which I haven't subscribed. But if I open my account settings and go to subscriptions and notifications, only 1 topic which I have subscribed is showing.
If I open those other topics it says you aren't subscribed to this topic.
The topics are from 2014 and not in english.
I hope it can be solved.

~msgScore~: +0

2. Nikola,

to be more exact, I think these topics appear if you are subscribed to your inbox. I'm not entirely sure where they come from. The exact topics are:
[modération] mon site web
and titre test.

~msgScore~: +2

3. blaise97,

on my side and also on the side of some friends, this apir even if you never subscribed to anything else. i tryed to unsubscribe from literaly everything and only those 2 topics apir, and this is the case also for someone who never used this feature.

~msgScore~: +0

4. Aminiel,


This is quite strange !

Were you able to open these two topics or not ?
They appeared to be private messages, so normally you shouldn't be allowed to see them.

Could you tell me if those two topics still appear in your subscription list now ?

Thank you for signaling.

~msgScore~: +2

Zuletzt geändert von Aminiel, Dec 9 2023 15:51:45

5. Nikola,

they don't show up for me anymore, and I can't open them either, but in the past, yes, they were perfectly readable.

~msgScore~: +1

6. Zelon,

Hi. Thanks aminiel for fixing the problem!, I also confirm that the topics doesnt show up now

~msgScore~: +0

6 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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