bug on spades

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~msgScore~: +0

1. SamuelR,

hi, i was almost ready to begin the game. I was setting the teams, by then a player left the table. we were 4 players 2 of us including myself and other player and 2 bots. = 4 of us.
while i was setting the teams the player left the game.
but still the player is shown in my game and it says its the players turn. he is no longer here, and it was right at the beginning of the game, where the game was starting. i had not yet set the score when the player left. So i guess you understand what it is. i guess a new bot had to take the place, but well it never did, since it was the beginning of the game, i mean the very beginning before the score is set.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von SamuelR, Jul 30 2013 13:09:45

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