Possible Uno Bugs

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~msgScore~: +0

1. imprisonedindarkness,

Hi, good day to everyone! I just want to report two possible bugs in Uno. I just have no idea if it was already reported or not.

1. Even though you have already reached the point limit, you can still interfer with the game by pressing the uno button (U), causing the remaining players to get the penalty of +2 cards.

I accidentally found it when I held a game between me and my younger brother and a friend. I was the table master at that time, so I have no idea if it would still occur if someone else, not the table master, that might do it. It was fun doing that but still it it's a bug.

2. When superinterception is turned on in a game, and everyone has reached the point limit, leading to the point where everyone wants to revert to the usual rules they habitually play with, tuggling off superinterception is impossible to do without opening a new table.

This had happened to us just recently. Honestly, we were confused when it occurred. On a closer look, we found out that the tuggle for superinterception when pressing Alt+O is missing, leading to this scenario.

So that's all. I hope this helps the administrators of the Playroom. Thank you!

~msgScore~: +0

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