My ninety-nine tournament

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1. Riad,

Hi all.
After the failiure of my first NN tournament, I've decided to do a better one. This one is open for everyone, yeah I mean everyone, even if not on my friends list. There are 32 spots in total, and the games will start on Friday May 1st, 2015, at 12:00 PM GMT time, and there will be a total of 16 games, 2 players in each, starting from 12:00 to 01:00 PM Friday.
The team of organisers is constituted of 3, and may be 4 people. Each one of us will have to be present in a table, and directing a number of matches. Therefore, there will be 3 or 4 matches in play at the same time to profit from our time.
Rules of participation:
The tournament is open for all, but everyone will agree on the following to be able to play:

  1. The games aren't standard: Each game starts with a fixed number of 15 pennies.
  2. Each match will last for about 10 minutes maximum, so no talk is allowed at all while the game is active.
  3. Everyone should respect the time (including me :D). If someone doesn't come on time then I'm sorry, his/her match will be canceled.
  4. Finally, the matches will be announced when all the spots are filled.
    To take a spot, either PM me or one of the organisators )which I'll give names later), or write here.

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2. mohammed-takleef,

hi mister riad, yeah i am player, thanks

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3. Epic_Krrish,

hey i want to participate

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4. Riad,

@oneNOnlyKrrish Sure sure, your name is in. Please any others wanna put their names? There's still 26 spots left, hurry up, the tournament is in 8 days.

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5. vlad25,

and me too. i want to participate

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6. Riad,

Of course man, your name is in. Thinking to reduce the number to 16 participants instead of 32.

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7. Sevrior,

I too am willing to participate, depending on time and date.

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8. farzad ,

hi i'm player

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9. Riad,

Sure, your names are both in. A latest note, it will be at 12:00 PM UK time next Friday, 16 players instead of 32: last decision.

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10. Exink,

Hi man,

It appears that finally I'm gonna be able to stay at the tournament in spite that it's going to be too early for my country. So, let me in! I hope you have spots left yet...

Good luck!

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Zuletzt geändert von Exink, May 12 2015 17:47:08

11. Skyler ,

Hello, I would like to participate, please.

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12. Riad,

All right, your names both are in.

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