Anyone up for a Go game?

3 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

~msgScore~: +1

1. Moriarty,

The subject says it all. I'm pretty flexible these days, if you're in a mood for some strategy, we can settle on a time and have fun!

~msgScore~: +0

2. yuki,

if you can teach me it, i'm down for it

~msgScore~: +0

3. imprisonedindarkness,

I'm interested, but I'm a noob. Can only play in 9 by 9, and can't even defeat the bot at that, hahaha.

~msgScore~: +0

3 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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