seriously, some people, asks me how do you walk, even sometimes when I was walking in a house or somewhere that has no stares or any deach or something, they used to say be careful don't fall! how do you walk! rofl!
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32. Moriarty,
We tend to laugh at many questions mentioned in this topic, but actually, I wonder how much self-reflective they are for the asking people. In Prague, there is an attraction offering blindness simulation, the visitors are introduced into a standard home-like environment without sight, and can try out various daily activities from our perspective. I don't know how good do people there on average. But a group of sighted people I know once tried it, and they said they "almost killed themselves" just by walking around the place. Apparently, people tend to get used to sight over time, and become so dependent on it they literally can't perform well without it, not at the first try. If you happen to have a toiled closet with a light switch outside and a sighted person using it, you can try switching the light off while they're in. You will get what I mean.
And the most hilarious thing I was asked? Well, back on the elementary school, one kid asked what's up with my leg. ... there was nothing wrong with it.
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33. NebulaDrift,
do blind people also fall in love? do they experience attraction towards others?
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34. littlewolff,
Thanks to god that people don't ask me that who I am? Maybe because it's obvious where I will send them if they do that lmao
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35. Frosty,
if your phone brightness is 0, or worst case scenario screen hidden(talkback feature), hey do you need help with the phone? it's not working at the moment.
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36. Caoimhe,
I don't know if this is the case in other countries, but here people always want to help me turn my phone on. When I was little, they used to literally snatch it out of my hands and say something like: "Hey, your phone is off/broken/not working, let me fix it." It was very annoying. Now they only ask me if I need help with it, which is very nice of them, but still a little bit annoying sometimes.
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37. littlewolff,
Aaa lol, it happened to me as well. I don't mind to explain to them why the screen is black, but. Come on, ask what's going on. Don't just touch my phone
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38. Kamalakannan,
Hello friends,
This is Kamal from India.
I follow the topic regularly. But today I wanted to post the most non-sensible question that I got to answer at the exam hall. I have no clue about the exam system for the visually challenged persons in other countries. But here in India we will be writing the exams with a help of a person and the person is commonly known as: “Scribes”. I remember it was August 2016, our First continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) was conducted. On the very first day of the Exam, I was supposed to write Economics paper. Before the start of the exam, my scribe asked me: being a blind person how will you know whether I am writing the answers you tell? After that, Literally I was confused and I has no answer to tell her. In the entire exam I was focusing on my desk to feel the mynute shaking that come while writing only to confirm she is writing and the sounds which we get while lifting and keeping the stationeries, instead of planning for my answers. Thank God she wrote all the answers I told.
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39. Arya_Stark,
Hey, can you stand up, do you need help? she takes my hand and try to take me up. That happened so, exactly so. Do you need help with the stairs? come here there is a lift. How do ou manage the computer? no, that's not the problem cause I understand they don't necessaryly have to know about screen readers but... Oh yeah, the clasical one of your pc/smartphone is turned of had happened me several times too, but well, I remember the day a boy asked me literally, but you talk to the computer, my pc as an asus xd, and he asked me, but you say for example asus write xx, and it answers. Rofl man, what an extremely... Well, whatever. I'm at the high school and although the rest of the students luckyly see me as a normal person, some of the teachers aparentley do not and during the class they aproach to me adn ask me, do y ou understand well? but just to me, they don't ask it to the other people, just to me xd. Can you kneel, do you need help? who asked me that was the same person who asked me then if I could stand up by my own. how can you walk, and I've heard about some people who have been asked to some things like how do you talk. Rofl
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40. Mohammedradwan2003,
I don't mind when kids ask questions. for one, I adore kkids so so so so much. for 2 - they want to have fun with you and mess around.
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41. yuki,
hey, do you need a wheel chair?
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42. Moriarty,
Back in highschool, teachers would often ask me if I'm keeping up with writing notes they dictated to the class. I always found it quite funny, the average handwriting speed according to Wikipedia is about 40 letters per minute, the maximum about 113 lpm. On keyboard, you can type 200 lpm without any special effort / training, and can more than double that if you can build up your speed. So, being the only-one in the class writing on a computer keyboard, I don't think I was really the right person to be asked whether I'm keeping up. XD
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43. Arya_Stark,
wtf I'm surprised really surprised now @sultanalmalky. Do they think we can't move or what, we can't see, but we don't have any trouble with moving... goddamnit
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44. sound2,
Most of us at my school used braillers or perkins braillers, not sure what you'd call it. So sometimes the teacher had to slow down for some of us. I didn't always type fast on a keyboard, lol. So can't really comment. For me the question does make some weird kind of sense.
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45. YNWA,
What you said is correct about the Perkins brailler.
I know it is off-topic but a good story anyway.
Once a friend of mine who was new to braille loaned a braille machine from our college for the year. A while later he believed he had broken the brailler so took a braille machine from another room in the college to replace it. Near the end of the college year he explained to me what happened and he was planning to dump the broken braille machine and give the college back the braille machine he took from another room. I offered to look at the braille machine he said was broken and found the space bar had jammed. I was able to unjam the braille machine so everything turned out ok in the end. What he didn't know is braille machines have a serial number at the bottom so they would have found out sooner or later.
Most of the things that have been said on this topic I have not known in the UK. However, I do know of people asking for directions to somewhere and a member of the public pointing out where it is to the guide dog!
A few years ago I gave one of my cousin's sons a braille die so he could take it to school and show the class. I believe they call it Show and Tell. This was not done during my time so I am not familiar to how exactly it works. That day at least 30 or 40 sighted people would know what a tactile die would look and feel like. Unless people spread the message then issues like these will keep happening.
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46. Zaine,
well well, I can't say much. really the same questions as everyone, treat us as people with more disabilities even if it's just one. how do you use the computer? how do you understand speed? why is your computer off? Well, I understand them a bit there, because I'm a fan of activating the screen curtain. but god, how do you think I would be so dumb to write with my computer turned off? How do I complete jobs if my computer really stays off? Also, a teacher believed that I used headphones all the time in class to listen to music and not pay attention at all. I'm not going to deny that yes, I usually listen to music, but I wonder how you thought I really use a computer. I guess she believed that I memorized all the damn options or I don't know, that was the weirdest thing I thought lol
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47. phoenix_rising,
what? wait wait… some people were asked about how do they talk? no, I think I've heard everithing now. roflflflflfl
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48. BlueTardisz,
I have honestly been asked the most embarrassing, insensitive and stupid questions. and some people still think I lie about my blindness. all because I have my eye colour and I am almost fully blind. Not that it helps on the streets. In fact, because I am surrounded by sighted folks and I am glad about that, but I have tried them blind. Poor people. My sister almost fell down the stares when we tried this as older teens. My mum even refused to try. Some questions for example, can you take a shower? How do you write, use your phone? Does someone write for you? Are you seriously blind? You'll be surprised how many people scam others and say they're blind. Yes, all scenarios exist. Until someone with that particular experience comes around and blows off their cover. and it's honestly pretty sad to be honest. But this is my say. PS: braillers are great. We used ones called Erica, and then we used Tatrapoint. that last one, is a trash. Erica were like, the European Perkins, except, quieter. I miss brailling. I haven't done that in ages to be fair.
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49. Arya_Stark,
Well, I'll tell you an anegdote that a person of the Spanish comunity told us a long long time ago. He went to the hospital, for the controls and that, you know. He had to undress, and that's when, first, without telling him that, the people of the hospital there started like... Oh, how are we going to do this. That's when he asked what was happening, and they told him that he had to undress but the problem was that he was alone, without any person to accompany him. So, basically some people think that we can't undress alone.
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Zuletzt geändert von Arya_Stark, May 16 2023 01:18:02
50. wolfi,
My weirdest question was from an assistant in high school who worked with blind people. And she was wondering if I am able to cry. When I said yes. She wanted prove lol.
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51. Emerald,
So did you cry for her lol. Tears have nothing to do with the eye. It comes from a gland.
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52. gatia ,
Omg this is going to be a long list 😅nvm here goes
First of all, typical questions: How many fingers do I have here? takes out a hand with x fingers hidden and x fingers pointing at me as if they were thinking that I would see them better if they were 0.001CM from my face
Who I am? And when I recognize them by their voice, they are shocked like woooooww she knows me!
Another thing I hate is that when I arrive at a new place, some teachers tell me to touch all the students' faces. What's wrong with you? I am not at all interested in touching the pimples and beards of 35 people, seriously, it is uncomfortable and I think unhygienic xd.
And well, questions a little... strange:
Like, When you go to the bathroom, how do you clean yourself? I don't know, I didn't know that they put a torch in their... to know how to clean themselves😳
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53. Anya_Kristen,
Are you really blind? How do you manage with the computer? And usual stuff, even if it's been a while, mostly in middle school. A few months ago, someone even did not believe me at all and claimed that i was a robot! xD Pretty sader story, one day i went to my parent's house for some days and i brought my cat with me. The thing is i couldn't find her to put her in her cage/basket (i'm sorry i absolutely don't know the English word for this) so i asked my brother, who was in the car outside to pcik me up, to help me. But, the man kept on telling me to manage on my own, just because it was rainy outside and that he didn't want to come out of the car! That put me on freaking stress for like 10, 15 minutes, i was litteraly tearing up and he only came after my mother called him to scold him. He then came to help me and tried to apologize and stuff and after we arrived at our parent's house he wanted to help me out of the car. That's when i told him: there are moments when i need help, moments i don't. To be specific, right now i don't need your help, so learn to make the difference.
That was the sad story of the day! Yaaaay! xD
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54. ziyad2008,
one of my Cousins asked me 1 can you love and be loved , 2 how do you eat and drink , 3 are you talking with your phone? , 4 how you can read and the last one , how you can walk , sit down , standup , I was diing from laughing , , and I was walking with my dad , in the street , I heard someone saying , God help him, I don't know how he lives , I said and you , she started running , and she said How did he hear me? , everyone started laughing at her , lol
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55. Kamalakannan,
Hi friends,
Already I have posted some question I got from my scribe. But this time I wanted to post a question that I got from a person just three-hours ago. I along with my friends today traveled in metro-train and we were changing to a sub-urban-train to go to our respective places. In this situation we received a help of a person. He asked us whether you want to get ticket? We replyed yes. For that he asked whether you have money to get a ticket? Literally we got angry and at the same-time started laughing.
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56. chan,
@kamal12. I was one among them.
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57. sound2,
Personally I wouldn't be too angry about the money one, I'd just ignore it.
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58. gemmi,
same here sound. its not uncommon especially at metro stations, people asking for we have money to buy even the ticket lol
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59. sound2,
Here's another one I just read on facebook. The irony it's a group that's supposed to be for the disabled. The question was, how do you read books, yet you are blind? It's how it was asked, that put me off. Maybe the person asking, didn't mean it, but stil...
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60. supertrend ,
I did not hear a question, but I heard a very nonsensical and ridiculous statement. One day, a Class One officer, similar to a collector-level officer, told my brother that all handicapped individuals should stand in one row, and we (normal people) should kill them with guns. He said this because my brother took a handicapped seat from him on the bus.