Players birthday celebrations

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~msgScore~: +18

91. GeorgeWu,

Happy birthday.

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92. eathan,

mine is on December 3

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93. Ryo-Bee,

A very happy birthday to the face of the forum, Mr. Nikola

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94. TheDreamer,

Happy birthday Nikola! :)

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95. gemmi,

happy birthday nikola

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96. Mohammedradwan2003,

Happy birthday Nicola!
Also, My birthday is on October 18th.

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97. Vojvoda,

Happy birthday to the best guy in the country who supports the worst football club in the country.

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98. Slavista,

Happy birthday Nikola

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99. Naday,

Happy birthday to the unofficial helper Nikola.

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100. spaceship,

Happy birthday Nikola

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101. godfather,

Happy birthday nikola. I hope you had a great one buddy.

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102. Nikola,

Hey all,
thank you for the nice messages!

Are you ready for the cake? 🎂

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103. blaise97,

Happy birthday to the official serbian translator Nikola! :d

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104. Negar,

Happy birthday Caoimhe

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105. gemmi,

happy birthday Caoimhe

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106. Naday,

Happy birthday Caoimhe, have a great one.

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107. Speedo,

Happy Birthday Caoimhe! Also, belated Happy Birthday Nikola!

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108. Caoimhe,

Thanks :)

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109. Nikola,

Hello all,
today we wish a happy birthday to Aminiel, AKA Quentin C, the developer and the creator of the Playroom!

Have a great day!

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110. aims,

Happy Birthday Aminiel! :)

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111. Naday,

Happy birthday!

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112. Negar,

Happy birthday aminiel! Enjoy your day

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113. Kamalakannan,

Happy Birthday @Aminiel. Have a happy year and life ahead!

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114. gemmi,

a very happy birthday @Aminiel

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115. thePleyroom,

wish you a very happy birthday Aminiel, hope you have a healthy and fulfilling year ahead.

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116. Caoimhe,

Happy birthday!

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117. Quintin-D,

Happy birthday Quentin-D

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118. ileto,

Happy birthday Aminiel, be healthy and happy and keep doing a good job on the playroom and with everything that you do, have a great birthday!

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119. Gwen,

22th june

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120. Vojvoda,

Happy birthday to the amazing Janko Janković, the last living Serb in Trinidad. Enjoy your day Ryan.

~msgScore~: +0

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