tournament of monopoly

13 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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1. orion6 ,

hellow, if you want to participate let me know to do it just coment this subject and on july 21 I'll let you know the time, day and the rules that apply. pst: invite people that you think would like to participate

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2. Epic_Krrish,


you should inform the time and the date so all people who are interested will know if they are available on the particular day or not,
Without any information, i guess no one will register!

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3. diamond,

I'd like to join as well as my friends.
But we'll surely like to know time and rules first so that we may make a better decision.

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4. orion6 ,

ok then let's do some correptions the tournament will take place on july 19 because it's sunday, time: 3:00 PM washington DC.

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5. Riad,

Hi. I don't think I'll be able to participate.

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6. orion6 ,

rules that apply: board: super board of 12 nations, rules of the game: all options will be yes. Develop of the tournament: one day before of the tournament I'll post the groupss and members of every group

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7. BhavyaShah ,

I would like to extend my interest in participating in a Monopoly tournament.
Firstly, I feel the rules applied, board played on and other fundamentals should be decided to meet a mutually agreeable form.
After that, we should move on to timings and format of the tournament.
If the original initiator of this discussion doesn't object, may I kindly request to hand over or at least share with me the opportunity to collaboratively host with you this Monopoly tournament?
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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Zuletzt geändert von BhavyaShah , Jul 12 2015 19:02:23

8. orion6 ,

well I am ok with that you can do it just let me know all what you want to change or add.

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9. mo_hamdy,

ok i want

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10. BhavyaShah ,

Thanks for rendering the opportunity to collaboratively host the Monopoly tournament.
By the way, is this the first tournament for Monopoly on the QuentinC's Playroom we are about to conduct?
The number of players we require should ideally be 8 so that we can conduct 4 quarter final matches with two players in each game, four quarter final winners entering the semi finals where two games with two players each will be played, and the two semi final winners will combat the finale for being the ultimate victor.
I concur with the idea ofthe date of the tournament being Sunday, 19th July 2015. Exact timings should be decided based on the time zones of the areas where players that register with us live.
Let us decide on mutually agreeable game rules.
Board - American Board / Atlantic City, English Board / London or Super Board of 12 Nations
Auction - enabled or disabled and if enabled, auction duration
Free Parking jackpot - enabled or disabled
Double salary when landing exactly on Start - enabled or disabled
Claiming rents - automatic or manual
Additional set of non-standard Community Chest and Chance cards - enabled or disabled
Buying properties while in first board round - allowed or prohibited
I would request all interested participants to put their votes on the above criterias and game rules with substantial justification.
My votes are as below:
We should use the American or English board for the quarter finals and semi finals matches because they are two popular Monopoly boards and are shorter which would significantly cut the duration or length of the Monopoly tournament. We should reserve Super board of twelve nations which is the most popular and exciting board for the finale.
We should keep auction disabled because many players dislike it and furthermore, their competency is sometimes decreased when their Internet connection is unstable. However, enabling auction for the finale would make the ultimate match more challenging, intriguing and exciting.
Double salary when landing exactly on Start square should be enabled for all matches because this one is purely on luck and rarely any Monopoly game I've witnessed or played has this option disabled.
Rents should be claimed and paid automatically for all quarter final and semi final matches, because this is a very tricky rule and you need to have that speed and accuracy to claim your rents manually. This option should be enabled for the finallists to add to their difficulty and complexity level.
Additional set of non-standard Community Chest and Chance cards should be used. Most people keep this option enabled and it just increases the fun and twists and turns in the game.
Buying properties should be allowed even when in the first board round should be allowed since prohibiting it would simply consume time of a pointless first board round.
I am strivin to cut the tournament duration to the shortest possible, to maintain the fun, excitement, challenge and interest in co-players waiting for their game or viewing those who have beaten them.
Please review my votes and justifications and also share your own choices of these game rules.
Also, if you are interested in participating in the Monopoly tournament, please express your interest once more, because there isn't enough clarity or decisiveness in the earlier messages in this thread as to your interest in participating or not.
Also, I would like to put forward a special rule whose violation may result in a special mention of your name in subsequent updates I write in course of the tournament.
If, any player leaves the table in the middle of a Monopoly game, because the situation has become quite obvious that he or she is at the verge of bankrupcy, you will be considered as disqualified from the tournament. Participation in tournaments is encouraged only for those who have the spirit to lose with courage and win with graciousness, and not for cowards who haven't the gumption meet the reality at face of loss.
If any participating player is found doing so, I shall make a special mention of your name and your cowardliness in any Monopoly tournament updates I may write.
Anyways, apart from imposing this rule, since it is frusgreatly annoying to the winner, I do not mean to make this a serious and boring tournament. I would just like to ensure smoothness in its execution, participation, conclusion and overall reception.
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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11. orion6 ,

well, here my opinions I think the final should be betwen a group with 3 or for players in that way the final will be more exciting because I realise that the games have more challenge when you play agains 3 or 4 than 2 but also it depend on the number of players that join. I don't have problem in the other matches but in the final I want it to be in that way. about my participation of course i want to participate so take me like one of the players, i'm ok with the rest of the options and rules so it's on you, I'm going to invite some players that I think the are great players, also I think it's good for the tournament if there a rule that makes it clear that you can't leave until you get totally bankrup at least in the final and this is the first tournament of monopoly as far as I know

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12. BhavyaShah ,

At present, we have received confirmations from only two participants:

  • eduin
  • bhavyashah
  • The number of players we would ideally be looking for is 8. Four semi final matches will bring out four winners, all of whom will play together for the decisive finale altogether. If we receive six players registering (including the two of us), then three players will battle in the finale.
    Hear the rest of your message, agreed, thanks for the information and all ok!
    Best Regards,
    Bhavya Shah.

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13. orion6 ,

the tournament of monopoly has been canceled by the lack of participants .

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