This post is quite a lot of brainstorming, so let's answer the most important question first, and later you can pick if anything else has any significance.
Nikola, yes, if you can check on Android and confirm or not if the problem is only on iOS, please.
As far as I have tried, I reproduce exactly the same problem on Android. Turning TalkBack off, it is impossible to activate any element.
Other than that, nothing special happens, and what I write below was tested again on my primary iOS device.
I will first try to write something actually useful, and then just some random observations.
Through various tests and attempts to make the click work, I have discovered something interesting.
You probably know that for sighted people, to drag and drop an element, you just do a single long click, wait a little, and then move your finger to the desired place.
Well, on our Web client, this doesn't apply, and even without VoiceOver, you must double tap and hold, and then move the element. By the way, the beep when you are outside of the game zone was extremely useful to discover this and definitely confirm when it is or isn't working even without VoiceOver.
I was hoping great, we found a miracle solution, you must double tap an element to activate it, unfortunately, not at all, activation of an element itself does not work even when you double tap. I tried all sorts of combinations, double tap and hold, single click and hold, etc, but no success.
On the old Web client, I presume this is working correctly, because there if I try the same thing, double tap and hold an element, I basically activate that element twice, so probably a single click and hold to drag works there. Of course there is no beep when you are outside of the game zone there so I can't give a definitive confirmation, but I can give a quite reasonable confirmation thanks to my second test.
1000 miles quick gestures: In short, long click+swipe left to draw a card, long click+swipe right to discard.
New Web client, no matter what I do, even with a double tap and hold, I can't get the gestures to work. I can easily cause the beep outside of the game zone to play, but not to use these gestures. I am definitely doing them correctly, because if I turn VoiceOver on, I perform the gesture on my first try and it works fine.
Old Web client, single click a card and hold+swipe right, the junk menu appeared immediately on first try.
This led me to another interesting idea, maybe the wrong element is somehow being clicked. I thought to myself, let's enable the browser speech synthesizer feature, that way I will know exactly which option I am dragging and will get feedback as I move my finger even without VoiceOver.
Alass, not possible, the drag and drop messages are always live regions and need a screen reader active... Without VoiceOver, no way to get any feedback on which option is being dragged.
I tried to make some sense of it, but unfortunately, the results I got were extremely random. Certainly being blind doesn't help to test this. I was a little curious if clicking on the chat edit box works, but unfortunately this element seems to be extremely small, and even though I consider myself good at this kind of spatial awareness, this is really too difficult to do without speech feedback. It appears to be somewhere in the bottom left corner, but only a really tiny part of the screen, and next to it there are a lot of elements such as the send button, whatever is the first menu item of the actions menu at the time, etc... To make the matters worse we of course also have the Safari toolbar right next to it, so there is a good chance I will just activate one of the browser buttons.
The ideal solution is use PWA mode, but in PWA mode, on iOS 17.4, the menu disappearing bug appears to be a lot more annoying with VoiceOver. If I try to explore the screen a little it causes the menu to no longer be spoken by VoiceOver, not sure, maybe even to disappear from the screen completely, or something. It gets even more weird because the fix you have made to this problem works but only partially, focusing the phantom game element restores the menu if you wait a second, but only if you focus it backwards (by swiping left to it(), swiping right to that element never restores the menu, but I don't want to confuse multiple bugs here, and I myself don't really understand how to explain it well, just the menu seems less reliable.
Obviously it is not so useful, but turning VoiceOver off and then using a Bluetooth keyboard to activate menu items works normally. So this really appears to be a touch screen specific issue.
Hopefully you will be able to make some progress with real sighted testers. Have you tried some temporary debug messages such as having the TTS speak which menu item was just activated or play some interface sound when something is clicked?
Of course this is just random guessing and I have no idea if any of it will be useful in the end, and I think we went as far as possible when it comes to blind testing in any case. Let's hope a solution can be found.