isn't it unfair?

21 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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1. gaurasuryavanshi,

well, I want to share something with you and hear what everyone think. isn't it unfair someone to leave the game while you are playing only, because you're about to win or you know the game better than the person you're playing with? it hapened now, and before a minutes I was in a uno game. I started making interceptions and won the first round, but then the person left. I won't tell their name for security reasons. but I am blocking such people, immediately!

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von gaurasuryavanshi, Jan 6 2016 20:56:23

2. afrim,

Oh, sorry to say, that occasion will become very common and still unfair. If you are new in here, I promise that you'll face many people like him/her.
It has happened to me many times, and I assume it will happen again and again. My advice is, play with those people whom you know well, or find someone whom you know that is a good, fair player. So far, nobody including admins can do anything about this since everybody has the option to leave the table, rightfully or rightlessly.

~msgScore~: +0

3. gaurasuryavanshi,

no, I am not a new user. I am in playroom since 2013 and, I am playing with people that I don't know because I want to meet new friends./ and in almost all of the cases, all of my friends are busy and no one wants to join me.

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4. Epic_Krrish,

o my, didn't knew you play uno from 2013, you haven't come to uno world yet.

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5. Aminiel,


Unfortunately, we can't do anything against bad losers. Just don't play with them anymore for a while.

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6. gaurasuryavanshi,

ok! smiles

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7. Exink,

That is a little thing compared to other happenings. For example, I entered to a uno game and after that I was winning fairly, that jerk suddenly banned me without saying me nothing else; and once I entered in a table to see a friend, and the table master who was another person kicked me. Therefore I blocked him and now I don't have any problem with him again. It's likely you will live another things like that, then as the other people suggest, simply try to play with your friends or with who you know is friendly, or simply try to ignore such poor losers.

~msgScore~: +0

8. Hayden,

You might, perhaps, create an option where the table master can allow a person to leave if they give a good reason (an immergency, for instance) but otherwise they lose the game. I've found this particularly irritating in games like chess. On most chess servers, if you leave the game for any reason it is counted as a loss.

~msgScore~: +0

9. gaurasuryavanshi,

ok, I will try to play with people I know, but almost all of the cases they are busy. and I should play with the robots and they are extremely slow and, you should know the game very, very well if you want to win.

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10. Jeff-Rutkowski,

The robots are extremely fast as far as I'm concerned. In fact, I think I'm going to attend all required games with the Uno league and drop out at the end because I do not have the necessary programming skills to create scripts as advanced as some I believe a few of the other players are using to get ahead.

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11. Raki,

lol, We don't creat any scripts.

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12. Paddy_Irishman,

it can also sometimes be a case of the player not knowing how to play uno (if you like) with interceptions

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13. wolfi,

well, it will be cool if the admins add an option, like when the player leaves it counts as a lost on his stats

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14. gaurasuryavanshi,

yes, you are right

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15. BhavyaShah ,

Well, this reminds me of a similar report I had created a topic on a while ago, about bad losers.
Incidentally, I just encountered a similar instance today, i was on less than a hundred points in Uno, and my opponent on 246 points, the score limit being 250 points. During the fifteen seconds of the paused time period, my opponent simply said that he (or rather, it was a she) had slow Internet only fit for bots, whereas her Internet was clearly better than mine, because mine is slowing down since yesterday, and her's seemed alright, and she immediately left the game and Playroom, re-entering Playroom after a few seconds. Then, she began abusing me, which I promptly sent to the admins by an F4. Now, she has blocked me and I reciprocated the same in return, and all's mostly well. The irony of this particular person was that I recall an incident in the past, with this same lady, where I had extremely slow Internet, and I exclaimed so in the beginning itself, requesting for permission to leave the game, where she refused to let me leave and I obeyed for ettiquette reasons, and I gracefully lost.
I too like to play with new people, but bad losers are simply to be avoided, I guess.
By the way, the idea of counting a player who leaves as a loss is quite good. The table master also should be given an option to let a player leave without counting the game as a los in his statistics, because sometimes there do exist legitimate reasons where a player may need to leave a game. These two options if well implemented and integrated, should largely sort out the trouble and annoyance caused by these bad losers.
Looking forward to your responses on the same, Aminiel!
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah

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16. Hayden,

I'll elaborate a bit on that last point. If a player wishes to leave and the table master does not reply to the request in either the affirmative or negative in, say, thirty seconds then that player is allowed to leave without a loss. If the table master wishes to leave, at least one opponent has to give that person permission to leave. In addition, if the table master ends the game with x, they also need permission else it will be counted as a loss. I've played chess matches where players will do that--they just end the game in a bad position.

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17. Daredevil,

I guess some of you really need to understand that some of the players may have things outside of the Playroom to do and maybe say for example at school, of course they might need to leave during the game so they don't rock up late to class. Or sometimes you know, we may need to go somewhere and quickly have to exit the games.

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18. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Oh I got it.

Someday I was playing Farkle with person, my bank was 600 I want to bank it I want to press enter to take.
When I pressed enter he left the game simultaneously, and I lost my bank and he left.
It's really annoying dude.

Each of gratitude to both of you.

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19. musiclover,

yes i do

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20. gaurasuryavanshi,

welll I don't know what to say... from one sight, it is not good to want permission wether or not to leave the tanle. from another sight, it's good. I don't know what is better. the admiins can decide best

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21. Hayden,

"I guess some of you really need to understand that some of the players may have things outside of the Playroom to do and maybe say for example at school, of course they might need to leave during the game so they don't rock up late to class. Or sometimes you know, we may need to go somewhere and quickly have to exit the games."

I'm quite clear on this point, which is why I laid out my suggestion the way I did. Something has to be done to stop players who leave for no good reason, and I can assure you there are many of those. But I have allowed for the provision that there is some kind of justifying scenario involved here. I think I covered all the bases, but at the same time a player needs to take responsibility for misjudging their time. If, for example, you know you have to leave for school in twenty or thirty minutes, how prudent is it to start a chess match?

~msgScore~: +0

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