Well, this reminds me of a similar report I had created a topic on a while ago, about bad losers.
Incidentally, I just encountered a similar instance today, i was on less than a hundred points in Uno, and my opponent on 246 points, the score limit being 250 points. During the fifteen seconds of the paused time period, my opponent simply said that he (or rather, it was a she) had slow Internet only fit for bots, whereas her Internet was clearly better than mine, because mine is slowing down since yesterday, and her's seemed alright, and she immediately left the game and Playroom, re-entering Playroom after a few seconds. Then, she began abusing me, which I promptly sent to the admins by an F4. Now, she has blocked me and I reciprocated the same in return, and all's mostly well. The irony of this particular person was that I recall an incident in the past, with this same lady, where I had extremely slow Internet, and I exclaimed so in the beginning itself, requesting for permission to leave the game, where she refused to let me leave and I obeyed for ettiquette reasons, and I gracefully lost.
I too like to play with new people, but bad losers are simply to be avoided, I guess.
By the way, the idea of counting a player who leaves as a loss is quite good. The table master also should be given an option to let a player leave without counting the game as a los in his statistics, because sometimes there do exist legitimate reasons where a player may need to leave a game. These two options if well implemented and integrated, should largely sort out the trouble and annoyance caused by these bad losers.
Looking forward to your responses on the same, Aminiel!
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah