Final words of the cribbage tournament 2016.

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1. Epic_Krrish,

Hello my friends, this tournament didn't flow smoothly as other tournament in the past but somehow, we managed to conclude and get the winner. The new champion for the cribbage tournament is now qedirgencero. HE beat other 5 players in the final to claime the title. the final scores were guliwer: 259, dave: 233, qedirgencero: 280, alesia: 261, earthquake: 224, the-raven: 228.
Alot of lessons were learn from this tournament and it can be inprooved in the future tournament as such. We experienced alot of absentism which was not good for 6 player game. However, I would like to thank all those who did turn up and played their matches. It was very much appreciated. I would also like to thank the cribbage tournament team who worked tirelessly to put up this tournament, without any organisers these tournament are not possible so thank-you team. It was a great opportunity for me to work with different group of people this time. With these few words and once again a huge congratulations to qedirgencero, Cheers man!

Till next time this is Krrish signing off.

Best regards Cribbage tournament team.

~msgScore~: +0

2. Vojvoda ,


~msgScore~: +0

3. Angelina-princess,

First of all, I would like to congratulate to Mr. Qedirgencero for winning. & I really thanks to you all who registered then shown up to play in this tournament.
As Krrish said, we had some problems in this tournament and it caused some complications. However, by the enthusiastic of friends who helped me as well as cribbage team to solve it and finally we finished it successfully.
This was an experienced lesson for us. And I hope we will have more another tournaments enjoyable in the future.
Thank you all again!
Best wishes,

~msgScore~: +0

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