
25 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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1. musiclover,

tomoro is my birthday

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2. Mayank ,

A very happy birthday!

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3. Mazdak ,

Happy birthday to you. Wishing all of the best things for you and for your live.

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4. Cristina ,

Happy birthday! May God bless you! And do not forget to pass some birthday cake to us, your friends from playroom, smile!

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5. george,

Happy birthday!

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6. sound2,

Happy birthday for tomorrow then.

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7. musiclover,

thanks u guyes

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8. Naday,

Happy birthday. Wishing you all the best! :)

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9. Peggy_Bella420,

Does playroom even do nbirthday emails or some sort of recognition: I can't remember lol

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10. Naday,

Lol. No.

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11. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Happy birthday

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12. play_romania1,

Happy Birthday!

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13. Wiam ,

Happy late birthday lol, best of wishes to you

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14. Peggy_Bella420,

.Hey all, it's my birthday today and I'm excited about the plans I have going on later.

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15. Naday,

Oh. OK.

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16. Paddy_Irishman,

Can people please not make this a trend? appy birthday to whoever's birthday it happens to be, but if we were to do this on a daily basis the forum would be cluttered. At least keep it to the one topic.

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17. Nikola,

Lol, you do realize she did keep it to one same topic right?

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18. Vojvoda ,

He did but I guess it was kinda warning and I agree with him.

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19. Nikola,

Well personally I don't see the point of announcing it is someone's birthday anyways. People who care will know it, and I just mentioned that it is currently in one topic, and as long as it stays like that no issues for me and nothing is cluttered.

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20. Vojvoda ,

Yeah it is pointless, especially announcing your own birthday is too... for my taste. And as you said if it will stay only in this topic it is completelly fine.

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21. Paddy_Irishman,

Indeed - as Ajes stated, I was simply asking people to keep it to one topic. I was not suggesting that another had been made.

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22. Peggy_Bella420,

.Wouldn't another topic mean a completely fdifferent forum with its own separate posts? Just clarifying.

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23. Vojvoda ,

Topic means post

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24. Sajad-Aliraqi,

lol the only solution to stop drama would be to erase the forums.

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25. Mohammedradwan2003,

happy birthday , friend

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25 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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