A strange comfusion

5 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

~msgScore~: +0

1. BogdanMuresan ,

Hi all. I have a problem. When I come back from my holiday and tryed to connect to the playroom client it appears that my acount was banned. What was the problem? My apologies but hard to understand.

~msgScore~: +0

2. Paddy_Irishman,

an obvious question. if ur account was banned, how are u still posting comments?

~msgScore~: +0

3. mayya,

This is the last time we explain that, do not think that we do not understand or that we are that stupid! Bogdanmurisan, as long as you continue to create accounts, with different IP's, we will continue to ban them. It is obvious for everybody that multiple accounts are forbidden on the playroom, and you have created more than 40.

So we will let you play freely when you stop those childish acts, which are completely against our politics.

I am not going to say further about what you are sending us via the f4 key, neither what you are making others understand, this is your problem if you are childish and if you have nothing to do but to desturb others, and specially admins/moderators/helpers.

We are here to help you, to make you happy and satisfied with our games/services, so someone like you is not going to waist our time, although you are making that all the time.

So stop your dirty game please


~msgScore~: +0

4. bogdanmuresan,

Hello. After a bann period it appears that it is only two weeks. When I tryed to connect today, it appears that I am banned again. Can you unbann me please. Also I want to post some clearances. First, I don't use jaws crashes and I heard for first time from moderators about them. Second, I didn't create 40 accounts. This means that all accounts starting with letter B or are from Romania are mine? Do you think that I am only the person who play those games from romania?

~msgScore~: +0

5. mayya,

don't take us as stupid please, the reasons are quite clear for you, our system is good enough to let us identify you.

topic closed

~msgScore~: +0

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