wich programming language are you learning currently?

7 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

~msgScore~: +1

1. empty_sky,

wich programming language are you all learning currently? I am learning python, I have completed loops, I am going to learn fungtions.
do any body have any tips to learn programming faster?

~msgScore~: +0

2. Northstrider,

make sure to do the exercises provided with the books/tutorials, also build small projects to test your understanding.

~msgScore~: +0

3. hassanraza ,

hey folks!
i'm also trying to learn python from w3schools. they provide some excersizes and i'm a beginner and don't no much about programming languages.
it gets confuseing at times, like i'm still trying to learn variables. any tips? and it would be great if you guys mention from where you are trying to learn python.

~msgScore~: +0

4. ibraheemmohsen,

I am learning python.
I also spend some time learning web (html, css, php or js).
I am a person who loves technology and programming.

~msgScore~: +1

5. Northstrider,

this is a really good tutorial. https://greenteapress.com/wp/think-python-2e/

~msgScore~: +0

6. pilote,

If you are a beginner, I suggest you to do not follow w3 schools. They has tutorials almost for everything, but not enough details. Mostly swimming on the surface.

~msgScore~: +0

7. godfather,

Seconded. If you wish to learn programming, my recommendation would be to use a full-fledged book or tutorial, preferablly one which is interactive, has exercises and P sets, and not just a text book that you flip through without understanding anything because programming is all about practical hands-on knowledge. You could even try a mooc(massive open online course) platform such as corserra or edX and look for free courses there.
Hope this helps.

~msgScore~: +0

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