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Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

Translation errors and typos

Nikola 149 glad,

Updates and work in progress

Aminiel 62 Aminiel,

Do you play card / board games in real life?

HeadphoneJack 13 kaiba,

Scrabble tournament

Emerald 17 Jessie,

eurofly 3 update

medhansh 2 medhansh,

No character limit for the status (last if not accepted)

riffy36_wii 19 kaiba,

Odd focus issue in Scopa on the Web client after a round ends

Nikola 2 Nikola,

burst city game

Abolfazl 1 empty_sky,

Scrabble: letter tracker

Athlon 1 Emerald,

Suggestion for a new game: Yugioh battles

Rory101 1 kaiba,


el-soldadito-de-plomo 17 empty_sky,

Blocking users and hiding posts" (ongoing)

Rayo 4 Aminiel,

little suggestion to qcsalon. (cancelled)

hanny-greengrass 6 hanny-greengrass,

Introduce yourself and meet new friends (ongoing)

spaceship 401 la-chica-tierna,

What's your favourite song? (new)

Quintin-D 76 Kim-TaeHyung,

Zanzibar same combination issue

Levinary 0 Levinary,

cards against humanity tournament

SkylarJayde13 5 SkylarJayde13,

Indian Monopoly board (finished)

Emrah20 6 empty_sky,

Two interesting games for the game room. (new)

facelessghost 10 facelessghost,

Offer for the game Tysiac/1000. (new)

facelessghost 0 facelessghost,

Skip 15 seconds between turns

yo12 4 Nikola,

Implementation of Team Battles in Exploding Kittens

ALEF_PRIME 11 CathyAnne,

Offer for the game Hearts. (ongoing)

facelessghost 3 facelessghost,

A new game - or a new variant of scopa (new)

theSocialIntrovert 2 theSocialIntrovert,

Variant on Domino

ivendjar777 0 ivendjar777,

suggestion: new game for the playroom

SkylarJayde13 3 SkylarJayde13,

Swamp Audio Game.

homutayzer 6 nguyen_hoang_anh,

duck racing challenges regarding playroom games

horse 6 HeadphoneJack,

Time limit in exploding kittens

HeadphoneJack 5 Nikola,

Issue with Runnie

MaverickWilde 1 Nikola,

duck racing challenge: alphabet numbers

horse 4 Nikola,

duck racing challenges with music

horse 7 Nikola,

Suggestion of 2 additional settings for the domino game

fauzan_january 1 Aminiel,

duck race challenges with astronomy

horse 9 horse,

Backgammon: bug when baring off checkers

HeadphoneJack 3 Aminiel,

A bug with bots in Cribbage when playing with more than 4 players. (solved)

Negar 2 Nikola,

Monopoly buying suggestion (ongoing)

Emrah20 1 Aminiel,

join duck racing tournament:

medhansh 3 Nikola,

duck racing toornament:

medhansh 7 medhansh,

🎉 Congratulations to the Winner of the Uno Tournament! 🎉 (finished)

Epic_Krrish 7 mohammed_albasha,

Bots keep freezing in exploding kittens (solved)

Elevatorguy 3 Nikola,

what happened to eurofly?

medhansh 1 nguyen_hoang_anh,

Petition: Screen reader implementation on the next Nintendo Switch

stefan_ilioaica 0 stefan_ilioaica,

A way to stream the whole PC audio on QC?

riffy36_wii 3 glad,

Kick Off 2025 with Fun and Prizes: Join Our UNO Tournament! (finished)

Epic_Krrish 42 triggered,

A playroom-themed cards against humanity pack

HeadphoneJack 4 HeadphoneJack,

Combos in exploding kittens

domatricedishirehorse 4 facelessghost,

Uno: A timer bug if a player leaves the game during the rounds pause (solved)

Nikola 5 Nikola,

Adding Klondike Solitaire game

Exink 5 Exink,

Suggestions for the Duke racing game. (ongoing)

facelessghost 7 facelessghost,

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