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Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

Translation errors and typos

Nikola 149 glad,

Updates and work in progress

Aminiel 62 Aminiel,

tell your joke

Arceus 29 thePleyroom,

New game, memory game (refused)

SheWolf 3 Aminiel,

Issues with table master re-assignment on web

Elinoria 1 Nikola,

suggestion: new game for the playroom

SkylarJayde13 6 GeorgeWu,

Blind people play piano and other musical instruments

nguyen_hoang_anh 35 QueenTammyTheFirst,

Problems connecting to the playroom or accessing the website, anyone? (solved)

Naday 3 Naday,

Suggestion for a new sound in Farkle

cachondo 3 dparker,

What's your favourite song? (new)

Quintin-D 87 GracefulSwan,

Introduce yourself and meet new friends (ongoing)

spaceship 420 PrinceXavier,

Roleplaying for the blind

GracefulSwan 26 Thomas_White,

Scrabble winners

Emerald 4 TheNewJerseyDevil,

new game idea

hnags1 1 glad,

bug in cribbage scoring at the end

thePleyroom 1 HeadphoneJack,

duck race: bug iwth super challenge card

horse 3 StormProductions,

Monoply play tips and seeking healthy friendships

GracefulSwan 8 GracefulSwan,

Not able to select the push contract in French tarot (solved)

Exink 2 Exink,

improvements on mobile

horse 2 Nikola,

Making monopoly (physical board game) accessible

supanut2000 4 Emerald,

exploding kittens: can't manipulate cards on mobile

horse 1 Nikola,

After playing Mexican Train

Natalie 1 Nikola,

Proposal for a Language Exchange

CoBC 5 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Petition: Screen reader implementation on the next Nintendo Switch

stefan_ilioaica 5 stefan_ilioaica,

Problem in game 99

yo12 2 Nikola,

Cardfight!! Vanguard

DaniSnyder 0 DaniSnyder,

Do you play card / board games in real life?

HeadphoneJack 20 Emerald,

possible new game

mikeSethreth 0 mikeSethreth,

Two interesting games for the game room. (ongoing)

facelessghost 11 DaniSnyder,

New Game?

DaniSnyder 0 DaniSnyder,


el-soldadito-de-plomo 19 NebulaDrift,

Go flagged as beta?

slannon 0 slannon,

Suggestion for a new game: Yugioh battles

Rory101 5 Athlon,

eurofly 3 update

medhansh 6 medhansh,

Getting out of beta mode

Bopitmaster16 2 ibraheemmohsen,

New game for the playroom

CoolJim78 1 Nikola,

Scrabble tournament

Emerald 25 Emerald,

Deleting a message from a discussion topic.

el-soldadito-de-plomo 12 Mohammedradwan2003,

Quiz party: A minor bug when signaling questions

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Decklist of the Playroom Exploding Kittens Game

imprisonedindarkness 2 imprisonedindarkness,

Monopoly buying suggestion (solved)

Emrah20 2 Emrah20,

Blocking users and hiding posts" (ongoing)

Angel_Oscar_Alfredo 5 Exink,

offline profile deleted in eurofly 2

medhansh 2 medhansh,

Suggestion for Monopoly: Menu modifications

Sajad-Aliraqi 2 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Odd focus issue in Scopa on the Web client after a round ends (solved)

Nikola 3 Aminiel,

No character limit for the status (last if not accepted)

riffy36_wii 19 kaiba,

burst city game

Abolfazl 1 NebulaDrift,

Scrabble: letter tracker

Athlon 1 Emerald,

little suggestion to qcsalon. (cancelled)

lily-peterson 6 lily-peterson,

Zanzibar same combination issue

Levinary 0 Levinary,

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