2022 Spades team tournament

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Score: +9

1. Nikola,

Hello everyone,

myself and Vojvoda thought it's time to try to organize a new spades tournament in teams.
Saturday November 5 and Sunday November 6 from 18:00 CET / 1 PM eastern will be reserved for matches. The group stage will end on Saturday and the rest of the matches on Sunday. It would be ideal if we gathered 4 teams divided into 4 groups, if we don't succeed we will shorten it to a format with 4 groups of 3 teams.
If you are unsure about the correct time for your country, you can always visit this link to find out.

In the group stages, the victory score will be set at 400 points and will increase by 50 in each stage. In the group, each team will play one match against all the teams in its group, and the two best teams advance. If the teams have the same number of points, it will be decided on the basis of the point difference, the team with a higher score will advance.

Talking with your partner about your cards is of course prohibited, and remember that even if the list of participants is full you can still drop your name and we can keep you as a backup for the day of the tournament.

The absence of a player will be tolerated up to 15 minutes, if after the time limit the player does not appear his team will lose the match with a score of 450 to 0.

Registration is open from this moment, before registration please read this post carefully to avoid additional explanations on the day of the tournament, it is very tiring for the organizers and it takes a lot of time to explain to everyone individually the things we wrote on the forum. We will certainly be available for any questions in the meantime.
You can register by replying to this message, writing your name and name of your partner, or by contacting me or Vojvoda via private message or inbox.

Please remember that people who register with a partner will have priority, if you don't have a partner we will try to find one for you, but in that case you are not guaranteed a place in the tournament.

We kindly ask you to inform your partner about the tournament before official registration, we are saying this due to some unpleasant experiences from the past. We are not obligated to search for the person that you have chosen as your partner, communication with your partner is your responsibility.

There will be a prize of €30 for the winning team.

Kind regards
Vojvoda and Nikola


Group A:

  1. Cristina and Aurel,
  2. fiery_krrish and Undertaker,
  3. Ahmadheidari and eshghee,
  4. Iraj and Arghavan,

Group B:

  1. Basti and Roymunson,
  2. Ryo-bee and Genti,
  3. Masoodbarcelona and abdollah_kahnezad,
  4. sobasa_ozara and fireball.,

Group C:

  1. Adventure-Time and Maxymilian,
  2. Prabhu and Tauseef,
  3. Amirmohammad and omid.falahati,
  4. Ilhan and Sirene,

Group D:

  1. Vojvoda and Serbian,
  2. Dark Alireza and Quintin_c,
  3. Stenaldo and Ibrahimovic,
  4. satya and idrish233.

Score: +3

Last edited by Nikola, Oct 13 2022 17:27:33

2. M.Imran.khan,


Score: +0

3. Nikola,

apologies for a small mistake in the first post, which has now been edited.

The definitive dates are Saturday, November 5th and Sunday, November 6th.

Score: +1

4. Abolfazl,

Hello Nikola. I am interested to participate but unfortunately I have no partners, if you could find a partner for me please let me know if my registration is accepted. Thanks.

Score: +0

5. Ryo-Bee,

Count me with Genti.

Score: +1

6. Epic_Krrish,

Count me in with Undertaker.

Score: +1

7. ibrahimovic ,

Hi Nikola! I am interested in joining the tournament with Stenaldo!

Score: +2

8. cristina ,

Hello, please cont me in and Aurel. Thanks!

Score: +0

9. ilhan,

Count me with sirene

Score: +1

10. prabhu,

I will play with Tauseef in the tournament

Score: +0

11. AlirezaDarkk,

Quintin-C and I would like to register

Score: +0

12. masoodbarcelona,

hi, masoodbarcelona and abdollah_kahnezad

Score: +0

13. AhmadHeidari,

hello. i will play with eshghee in this competition, if it possible. thanks.

Score: +0

14. amirmohammad,

amirmohammad and omid.falahati

Score: +0

15. Iraj,

I'd like to register with Arghavan.

Score: +0

16. sobasa_ozara,

Hi. sobasa_ozara and fireball.

Score: +0

17. VOXX,

Hello: I would like to participate in the tournament if a partner can be found, thank you.

Score: +0

18. RomanReigns,

hello, count me with idrish233 thanks

Score: +0

19. Adventure-Time,

me and Maxymilian would like to sign in and try our luck. Thanks.

Score: +0

20. VOXX,

Hello: I am available if someone needs a partner, thank you.

Score: +0

21. Vojvoda,

Hello people. One good and one bad news. We have managed to get 16 teams, but we don’t have many standby players, we have Nikola and Koo_Loo_cheh and alirezakarimi who signed up as a team but they were a little late with the registration. Not a problem though, fortunately or unfortunately we will for sure have a few absent players. Feel free to drop your name if you will be available at the day of the tournament and are willing to replace someone if needed. I know you are impatient to see what group you are in, but please read the text after the groups.
They are as follows:

Group A:
1.Cristina and Aurel,
2.fiery_krrish and Undertaker,
3.Ahmadheidari and eshghee,
4.Iraj and Arghavan,

Group B:
1.Basti and Roymunson,
2.Ryo-bee and Genti,
3.Masoodbarcelona and abdollah_kahnezad,
4.sobasa_ozara and fireball.,

Group C:
1.Adventure-Time and Maxymilian,
2.Prabhu and Tauseef,
3.Amirmohammad and omid.falahati,
4.Ilhan and Sirene,

Group D:
1.Vojvoda and Serbian,
2.Dark Alireza and Quintin_c,
3.Stenaldo and Ibrahimovic,
4.satya and idrish233.

Make sure to read the rules once more, if something is not clear feel free to ask before the tournament, on the day of the tournament we will be busy with a lot of things, including playing our own games, however, it does not mean that we won't answer questions during the tournament, but we just want to avoid any confusions and needless time wasting, remember that all questions such as: how many games do we need to play are all answered in the first post. You have to play everyone from your group, be respectful to others and don't cheat.
I will be also available tomorrow, on friday, so if some teams agree they could play some of their matches tomorrow, you can pm me if you would like to use that chance.
Oh yeah, don't forget to change your privacy settings so that everyone can invite you and send you private messages during the tournament.
Since there are 4 teams in one group, you can split into two tables and send us the scores of each game in private message, more about that on Saturday.
Thanks for your time and patience, wish you best of luck on the tournament.


Score: +1

22. Abolfazl,

are we count as standbuy players right? Since I haven't seen our name in the list, and are we prioritized if someone become absent? This was bad news for me because I found partner for myself a bit late. :) by the way I wish the success for all players

Score: +0

23. Vojvoda,

Yes you're right, you and your partner will be on standby list and will be priority if anyone is absent.

Score: +1

24. aims,

good luck to all of you! :)

Score: +0

25. doghouse,

I am available to partner with Vox if replacement team is needed; please let me know what time as this is my first time learning about tourneys

Score: +0

26. Magenta-Unicorn,

Mohammed_juuda and I would love to be on the standby team

Score: +1

27. blaise97,

you can count on me to replace somebody.

Score: +0

28. Nikola,

Hello everybody,
thank you very much for showing up for the first day of the tournament.

It was a wonderful experience, we were able to start all groups within a very short time, because almost everybody showed up, with the exception of one team which had to be replaced.

Here is the draw for the elimination stage. As a reminder, we are playing on sunday, at exactly the same time. Good luck to everybody who passed the group stage, and to those who didn't, I hope you sign up for the next tournament as well and thank you for participating!

  1. Cristina and Aurel VS Ilhan and Sirene,,
  2. masoodbarcelona and alirezakarimi VS amirmohammad and omid.falahati,
  3. Fiery_krrish and Undertaker VS Vojvoda and Serbian,
  4. Nikola and Blaise VS Ryo-Bee and genti

See you there!

Score: +1

29. prabhu,

i am sorry if i sound non sence here, but i feel to inform what i observed so that future action of plan is initiated regarding that
I feel that my opponent teams
namely amirmohammad and omid.falahati:
are using improper tactics to win the game
I feel the same due to the following three reasons

  1. all of the teams in my group lost two matches but they didnt loose not even one.
  2. I heard that the same aquisition was made on them even during previous game.
  3. 3.
    most important, I am pasting a drive link of a text document.
    it is extracted from the playroom game notes.
    I am particularly refering to round 4.
    observe that and comprehend
    all the notes before and after the game are deleted


Score: +2

30. Nikola,

Congratulations to Vojvoda and Serbian for winning the tournament!

The scores of the final match were:
Vojvoda and Serbian: 558.
masoodbarcelona and alirezakarimi: 317.

Thanks to everybody for taking part, and I am hoping that despite a couple of misunderstandings you had a good time.

@prabhu Your Google drive link doesn't work, but also unfortunately there is nothing to do now. In fact, the team you suspected of cheating lost their first match today and got eliminated.
There is no way for organizers to proove whether someone is or isn't cheating. Between managing tables, playing matches and making sure that everything is running smoothly, it's simply impossible to keep a track of each individual game.
We rely on the honesty of other players. It's naive to assume people aren't cheating, and to be honest it completely ruins team tournaments, but again, I have no better solution to propose.

In any case, your group was extremely close, with 3 teams each having one win, the score difference was a determining factor. Hopefully, you'll have better luck next time.

Score: +2

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