COngratulations and citadels tournament conclusion

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Score: +2

1. GodSaveTheQueen,

First and foremost, congratulations to Evertoneon for winning todays tournament. e decided to play all games today instead of some tomorrow .Congratuatlino also to the final table, Blaise97 in second and Celestia in third.
I also wanted to remind tournament players of a few things. Today we had some drama during the tournament For everyone's benefit, you cannot show up to a toruanemtn an hour late, and demand a place. Tournaments may start a few minutes late, but by an hour after starting time, the game is well under way.
I also would like to emphasize that the decisions of the tournament host are final. We had a player who took 2 to 4 minutes to even pick a character, every turn. And then this player was disconnected for over ten minutes. I replaced with someone off of the standby list and was then harassed, for over an hour, so much so that i had to block this player because they wanted to get their spot back. Please remember that it is reasonable to kick someone that isn't playing, or is constantly being disconnected. If you do not like how i run a tournament don't play in the next one. THank you all, next tournament will be announced soon.

Score: -1

2. Emerald,

Well done to the winners!!!!! And to evertanion for yet again another success of this tournament game.
I aggree that with all you said and hop people in the future will actually be more considerate when taking part. This is not an isolated issue and happens across most tournaments. It is stressful but hopefully a little reminder can help put back the peace.
Thank you Queen for organising it. It was fun.

Score: +0

3. rockstar2013,

Hi all,
First, let me congratulate the winner and rall the finalists of the tournament.
It's been a thrilling tournament, although I did not make it to the subsequent rounds after the first game, which was slow, in my opinion.

Score: +0

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