playroom super league

12 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

Score: +2

1. medhansh,

hay all, i have a plan. lets start a play room super league where we will have 4 games. uno, 1000 miles, quiz party and farcle. we will start from 17 sectember. the timing of the tournament will be 3:00pm Indian standard time. the four games will be completed in 7 days. uno rules: draw and advance draw responses their, bluff their, 0/7 rule their, bluf their, only straits and interceptions will not be their. time limit 20 seconds. score 250 points. 1000 miles rules the game will be with teems, with 2 teems, non-standerd cards used and score limit 5000 point. farcle rules. banking points 50, while opening and 25 wile banking. quiz party points 20. the last date is 16 Sectember. please note: the game participents must not be apsent. they must participate in all sports. hope all will participate. please note: as many players were absent on 17 September, the tournament will held on 18 September on the time 3:00 PM Indian standard time

Score: -1

Last edited by medhansh, Sep 18 2024 06:43:24

2. glad,

count me in from India

Score: +0

3. chameleon,

i am in also

Score: +0

4. amirrahmani443,

count me in from iran

Score: +0

5. medhansh,

note: the formate will be decided according to the players joined.

Score: +0

6. nguyen_hoang_anh,


Score: +0

7. medhansh,

yes sure every one can join

Score: +0

8. nguyen_hoang_anh,

how can i joinde?

Score: +0

9. medhansh,

just post that join me in or count me in if you want to join.

Score: +0

10. Difvan.blind,

Count me in

Score: +0

11. nguyen_hoang_anh,

what i dont un the stend

Score: +0

12. medhansh,

hongang i will invite you on a table. you join others please type count me in.

Score: +0

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