Scopa escoba team tournament

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1. Cristina ,

Hello everybody!

I'm posting on behalf of unolover, because she asked me to help her.
She'd like to host a scopa escoba team tournament on the coming weekend, saturday, the second of may and sunday, the third of may 2020, at 7 PM UK time.
Our aim is to get 8 teams which will be distributed in two groups.
The top two teams of every group will advance to semi-final.
The winner teams of semi-final will play the final match of this tournament.
Score limit for every stage is as follow:
Groups, 17 points
Semi-final, 21 points
Final, 25 points.
The 2 points ahead rule will be on.
The match will stop when one of teams will reach the score limit of the next stage.
If you have any question or suggestion, you can contact me or write on this topic.
Also if you are interested of taking part in this tournament, feel free to subscribe on here or contact me privately.
Thank you, kind regards!

Score: +0

2. unolover,

that is right

Score: +0

3. eathan,

i'll join. just one question. what time is the in united states EST? thanks

Score: +0

4. Lexy,

I am interested in joining.

Score: +0

5. Cristina ,

Hello, 7 PM UK time is 2 PM eastern time.
I would like if you two could add me to your friends list.
Then we could talk more in private.
We have 6 teams so far, there still are free spots.
The registered teams are:

  1. Violeta Albinuta2
  2. Tehseen Unolover
  3. Andrea07 Dumitraisabela
  4. Dave Cristina
  5. Dragos Ianis
  6. Victor11 Luize
  7. Feel free to sign up if you are interested to participate in this scopa tournament.
    Friday evening we will post the draw and other information you have to know refering to the tournament.
    Kind regards!
    Unolover and Cristina!

Score: +0

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