Grups draw of scopa escoba team tournament

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Score: +0

1. Cristina ,

Hello, fortunately, we succeeded to get 8 teams we wanted for this tournament
Thank all of those who showed their interest of attending this event.
The draw has been done for the groups stage.
There will be 2 groups of 4 teams. Every team will play one match against the other teams of it group.
The top 2 teams of every group will advance to the semi-final.
Finally, here is the draw along with table masters indicated:

The first group

  1. Violeta - Albinuta2
  2. Tehseen - Unolover
  3. Dragos - Ianis
  4. Ethan714 - Lexi714
  5. Tabel master, ianis

The second group

  1. Dave - Cristina
  2. Victor11 - Luize
  3. Bulentsavas - Enver
  4. Andrea07 - Dumitraizabela
  5. Tabel master, Cristina
    Score limit will be 17 points, 2 points ahead rule will be on.
    Startare time will be 7 PM U K time.
    Hope you will enjoy playing in this tournament.
    Wish you all, good luck!

Score: +0

2. Ryan_K ,

hello. I will be on standby

Score: +0

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