Little exam tournament

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1. Emerald,

Hi there. Just wondering who would be interesting in a little exam tournament. I really like the game and could really see it develop into a tournament. I will have a number of rules like only one judge, the accepted words must be of that letter and nothing else. For example liquid with w can be water and not fresh water. Spelling will matter and, where the answer may not be obvious to others a short prompt can be given alongside. For example York, town in north England or Alice from the book best friends by Jacqueline Wilson. We can have a few people as checkers if spectating to help research the matter or the judge can do that if they feel comfortable. No discussing the answers or helping, limited chat would also help make the game go faster. We can start of easy, keep the score to 40, and then keep and eliminate people as we progress to the next round. Example from easy to medium to hard. On the final exam, hard level, we will lift the score to a higher one and first to get to that one will be awarded best playroom student. thinking time will be extended to 90 seconds or 120 to allow you to write comments.
So let me know what you guys think and i can go ahead. I am just looking to see if i can do this tournament with you guys. I think it could be fun.
Many thanks in advance

Score: +0

2. The_Frisbee_of_Peace,

The little exam is one of few games that I still enjoy playing on this platform. I would be interested in joining a tournament if ever there was one. Finding players for it, as well as distributing points, will probably be trickier than in other games, however I wish you the best of luck if you decide to go ahead with it.

Score: +0

3. Emerald,

Yeah i got it sorted out and made a separate post on all the rules and to register. I hope you can make it as i got a few people interested and a rough plan. Hope it will work out.
Thank you

Score: +0

4. Scientist,

I’ll play

Score: +0

5. Emerald,

Cool got you in. Thanks

Score: +0

6. mariea,

I'd like to join the tournament please. Thanks.

Score: +0

7. Emerald,

Ok you’re in thanks

Score: +0

8. chameleon,

it is fun

Score: +0

9. Pangeran_daksa,

come me in

Score: +0

10. Emerald,

Ok registering you

Score: +0

11. Pj64,

im all in for this. I would like to participate.

Score: +0

12. chameleon,

it happend already

Score: +0

13. chan,

the tournament has finished already.

Score: +0

14. Emerald,

The winner can be found on a different post. I have not made any future plans to make any further regarding this due to the turnout that i got. When people start to mean that they’ll attend after registering then maybe I’ll redo one. Thanks to everyone who showed up and big thanks to our judge Braille0109.

Score: +0

15. Pj64,

I realized that after posting but cant reply to myself. maybe il make a tournament for this game sometime. i do think it is one of the best games on here.

Score: +0

16. Emerald,

Well i wish you the best there. People on here are just idk. People just need to learn what yes means. Yes i can join and come and read all the other details. Still diddn’t get an excuse for the people who diddn’t turn out which is like very bad since i put in the effort but yeah sure. Let me know and hope the best.

Score: +0

17. ibraheemmohsen,

Hi guys.
About the excuse not to join the tournament, Even though I said yes?
I wasn't expecting that on that date, (The tournament start date), That I would go out with my family and forget my laptop, and I don't like playing from my Android device because my browsing is slow there.

Score: +0

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