The very first ducks race tournament of 2022, congratulations Nikola!

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1. godfather,

Hey everyone!
A very happy new year to all, may this year bring with it lots of success and joy.
TO that end, and to celebrate this 'fresh start' as it were, we (that is to say, myself and queenstar), bring you the very first duck race tournament of 2022.
Said tournament will be organized on the 15th and 16th of January (Saturday and Sunday) at 10:30 PM IST. To get an idea of that time in your respective time zone, kindly click on the following event link. I would suggest adding the event to your calendars as well in case you forget:
Now for the logistics:
Like I said, the tournament will be organized over the course of 2 days, 15th, and 16th January.
There will be 4 rounds in total, 2 being held each day.
We are excepting a total of 32 (32) players for round 1. All the rest will be put in the waiting list. Please do not let this stop you from entering your name, as people not showing up is unfortunately a common occurrence.
The options for the game are as follows:
peaceful pond, 15 seconds time limit, speed based challenges enabled.
In round 1, there will be 4 tables with 8 in each. The race will be comprised of 3 laps.
Top three out of these 8 will be selected for round 2, which will be held on the same day.
In round 2, there will be 12 players, divided into 3 tables (4 players in each), race will consist of 5 laps.
Top two out of these 4 will be selected from each table, to play in the next round which will be held on the following day (16th Jan, Sunday)
In round 3, the remaining 6 will be divided into groups of 3, so two tables. this race will consist of 7 laps.
One(one!) out of these 3 will be selected, for round 4(final) being held on the same day. This, will consist of the maximum number of laps-that is to say 10 laps.
Unsurprisingly, round 4 will comprise of the two players who manage to make it this far, duking it out to achieve the title of ‘Champion'.
Participants are expected to show up 15 minutes before the start, and join the table titled ‘ducks race tournament’. failing to do so will result in you being replaced by someone from the stand-by list.
You may enter by replying to this thread. As stated above, once 32 entries are in, the rest will be put on the stand-by list.
For any queries or concerns, kindly contact the organizers me or queenstar, or the other two people who will be overseeing this tournament, namely BeautifulDisaster and boo-boo.
And that's all!
Good luck everyone, may the best one win, and a very happy new year to all once again.


Score: +0

Last edited by godfather, Jan 5 2022 20:45:39

2. Nikola,

what about the options being used?
More specifically, the number of laps, the board and whether speed duels will be on?


Score: +0

3. godfather,

@nikola, good catch. This has now been fixed and changes reflected in the first post.
My apologies :) this is, after all, the very first time either of us has organised a tournament.

Score: +0

Last edited by godfather, Jan 5 2022 21:26:46

4. boo-boo,

i'm in there!

Score: +0

5. TheGirlNextDoor,

I'm in with boo

Score: +0

6. aims,

thanks, got your name in the list

Score: +0

7. Epic_Krrish,

I Am right through!

Score: +0

8. chameleon,

i want to join plz thanks so much

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9. Snowman,

count me in.

Score: +0

10. Emerald,

Count me please

Score: +0

11. VIPPotato,

Helo, count me in oki? tanks

Score: +0

12. godfather,

Okey fwiend.

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13. Negar,

I'm in

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14. Bala-baby ,

i will all so, joine

Score: +0

15. Nikola,

thanks for the clarification.
Count me in.

Score: +0

16. Loxias,

Sign me up!

Score: +0

17. Qais,

Hello, Count me in. Thanks!

Score: +0

18. creamer,

please count me in

Score: +0

19. UmikoIshikawa ,

count me in!

Score: +0

20. Northstrider,

I'm in!

Score: +0

21. choco,

hello! kindly count me in please

Score: +0

22. shubham ,

count me in

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23. Pangeran_daksa,

plaese come me in

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24. fauzan_january,

please count me in guys

Score: +0

25. GoldenHorizon,

hey there organizers, count me in :)

Score: +0

26. cristina ,

Hello, please count me in, thanks!

Score: +0

27. pilote,

Count me in.

Score: +0

28. TheDreamer,

Count me in

Score: +0

29. Aurora_borealis,

please count me in

Score: +0

30. Loxias,

Just a small suggestion, you should probably specify 10:30 PM IST in your first post. Just 10:30 might make someone think it's AM unless they open the time zone conversion link. If they're familiar with time zones and don't think they need to check, they could end up showing up 12 hours off.

Score: +0

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