The upcoming 2022 tournament of... Press enter, maybe?

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Score: +1

1. Captain-Lousy,

The tournament had to be postponed due to an unexpected complication. I am very sorry for this and promise that the next date will not change, at least not in the last moment.
End of edit
Yooooo everyone!
I sincerely hope that you are all well and healthy despite these somewhat difficult times. Let's spice things up with a new tournament, shall we? No, it won't be The Ultimate Press Enter Official Game, although both games have in fact a lot in common. They wwere both invented by the same developer, and they're both more complex than they first appear. Technically, the game I'm referring to could also be played using only the enter key, but I strongly advise against that. This game requires, among other things, a clear mind, careful concentration, a good memory, wise decision-making and a sense of the psychology of the opponent. Thus, please make sure your arrow keys, c and e keys and of course your brain are also working. Any hints yet? :)
The Scientific Special Military Operation tournament will take place on the weekend of May 7 and 8 at 2pm GMT. In general, I'd like to finally try to take it up a level this time and not stick to just 1v1 matches, but as has been the case in previous tournaments, I think it's best not to set a player limit or specify a format just yet. I'd rather see how many people are interested in participating and will post details accordingly in due course.
Soo if you have the desire, time and courage, feel free to either sign up here on the forum or send me a permanent message. However, please consider carefully before signing up if you are really free at the time of the tournament, so that we can avoid looking for replacements as much as possible and ensure a smooth running. Also, to be on the safe side, check the game instructions and make sure you are aware of the functions of all the cards, including 3, jack, queen and joker, so you don't get any unnecessary surprises later.
That's all from me for now. I wish you the best of luck and I'll be looking forward to the tournament and the new 2022 scientific war champion, who can already look forward to a $50 prize.
Stay cool,

Score: +0

Last edited by Captain-Lousy, Apr 7 2022 00:48:20

2. Naday,

Hey. I am interested.

Score: +0

3. unolover,

count me in'

Score: +0

4. cristina ,

Hello, count me in too. Thanks!

Score: +0

5. ibraheemmohsen,

count me in'

Score: +0

6. Moriarty,

Ah, finally another interesting tournament.
Count me in as well. Predicting other people is not my strong side, but the game is very enjoyable and playing again bots gets boring after few games.
This seems like a refreshing change.

Score: +0

7. Kristen_Star,

I also participate

Score: +0

8. barbi ,

count me in, thanks

Score: +0

9. The-white-dove,

Count me in. Let's see if I did not forget this game completely. thanks :)

Score: +0

10. Pangeran_daksa,

count me in

Score: +0

11. Captain-Lousy,

Hi everyone,
thanks to all of you people who registered for the tournament. At the moment we got nine participants. For scientific war not bad, but not optimal either. Anyway, I'm going to wait just a little more until tomorrow and decide for the final format, the tournament will thus be helt on Sunday. Until then practice practice! :)

Score: +0

12. ibraheemmohsen,

and what now?

Score: +0

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