Suggestions For Duck Racing

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Score: +3

1. RedHotCharliePepper,

First one is necessary as the game can get stuck if a player either doesn't or can't do the rhythm challenge. Someone on their phone said they can't do the rhythm challenge and left the game during one before and then the bot just sits there. A solution to this would be a timeout after so much time if someone doesn't do it they get 0. Also with some of the other challenges like 3 number combo and music challenge if I'm going for it trying my best and run out of turns, why do they get the 2 points for sitting there not trying. If they timeout or try so many tries without success it should be a draw. Results of each player being correct or incorrect on trivia questions should be held either until everyone has guessed or time has run out. There is a general conscensus that if you don't know an answer just go for the first choice. Some are waiting for the results of the first player to see what to do.

Also it would be nice if someone plays a card and after that the only thing you can do is roll, is to roll for them automatically if they don't do it in like 3 seconds or so. I've forgotten myself from time to time after playing a trivia question card or a challenge.

Another wish list item is to have timed turns. Most of the players I see do not take 30 seconds or more to take a turn, but some must be chatting or doing something else because sometimes they take forever to take a turn. This could be left at 0 if someone wants to play unlimited time for a turn.

That first thing with the rhythm challenge really should be fixed, it has ended a couple of games I've been in.

Score: +3

2. codbro,

hi, this has ended some of my games too. i was doing a giveaway on survive the wild using duck racing, but we had a few people on phones, as a result, the game was very long because we had to get people in, just to do the rythem challenges.

Score: +1

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