a suggestion for sounds in playroom.

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Score: +5

1. unicornioAzul ,

as a suggestion made for future room versions.
a sound manager, whereby one can put and change each sound as one wishes, and the changes are reflected in the dat file.
This way it would be easier.
and sounds would not be missing

Score: +3

2. StormProductions,

that would be a good idea, however, I'm not sure how much changing the game sounds would negatively affect the overall experience. I mean, as far as I know, some sounds are even made to finish at a given time, which means that if they end sooner or later, the game may throw errrors.

Score: +1

3. unicornioAzul ,

well, but the diference bettween just changing sounds and make a especial place inside playroom its bether than rename sound by sound.
@storm could be a bether experience for all the people.
in the last versión of qcsalon 2.8 i had a custom sounds folder...
and doesn't has an incompativility talking about sounds as i tol you.

Score: +0

4. Nikola,

That's because in 2.2.8, none of the features that cause such problems are available. They were introduced in V3.

Score: +0

5. unicornioAzul ,

well, but can be implemented, no?
think so.

Score: +0

6. Aminiel,


We won't develop something like this, because you just aren't supposed to change playroom sounds.

In v2, you could do it, most of the time it was working, but sometimes we received complains about a specific thing no longer working, that there is no longer sound, or because one single sound is used for different unrelated things. Some people changed their sounds, and, as a result of that, some little things were no longer working as well as before.
We don't want to make suppore any longer with those people, it's just a waste of time.

In v3, the fact that sounds are emcrypted should clearly raise an alarm in your head: changing them is forbidden, and if you still do it you are left on your own.
In clear, do it at your own risks. And in any case, we won't develop any tool that would help you doing that.

That being said, if you have ideas of good sounds that could replace existing ones, or want to suggest your own creations, feel free to post them publicly. Maybe we could add them in a future version of the client.

Score: +2

7. Nikola,

While I don't really have ideas for good sounds, it would really be nice if one day you could separate sounds for private messages and invitations into 2 different sounds.
This was one of the long time issues that I was hoping would get fixed one day. If I receive a private message outside of the Playroom window, I probably want to return and check it. However, that is probably not true for game innvitations, which I'll check only if I am interested to play a game at the moment. Having a same sound for both makes this a little more difficult.

Score: +4

8. StormProductions,

I do have a ton of sound effects to choose from, since I've got an Envato Elements account. FOr those wondering, Envato ELements is a site that allows you to get legal assets for your projects, both audio and graphical.

Score: +1

9. dragonoid,

yeah yeah envato elements, that payed site, congratulations!

Score: -2

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