Comments on Recent Changes to Duck Racing challenges

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Score: +3

1. RedHotCharliePepper,

A while back I suggested that the rhythm challenge be changed to time out if one of the players don't finish. Players who are in on their phone can't do them and even if you kick them from the game the bot taking their place won't do it. Also at that same time the dice roll challenge had been changed where the most you would win from your opponent is 5 feathers even if one rolls 12 and the other 1.

The first should be fixed because it can kill a game in progress, the other is just a suggestion that if you are willing to challenge someone who is rolling a "Winning Die" you might wind up losing 11 feathers.

So today to my surprise I see the challenges have been reduced again. Things that were worth 5 feathers yesterday are 3 today and it seems the die roll challenge is not done by the difference anymore. I also used to be able to tell where my cards went when someone landed on 27. They would seem to shift in reverse order where someone playing the mix card they would shift forward.

I'm not sure what's prompting these reductions in the transfer of feathers, but I haven't played anyone today who has said they like it better this way.

Score: +1

2. Aminiel,


The reduction of wins in challenges wasn't wanted. Some new challenges are in preparation, but existing shouldn't have changed. I need to have a look at that.

For the first remark, most of the challenges aren't playable on phone without an external keyboard anyway. I need to think about a solution, but it won't be done in the next few days. It will take longer.

Score: +2

3. Aminiel,


The old behavior for challenges has been restored. It was a bug.
Thank you for signaling.

Score: +1

4. Emerald,

Please keep the dice roll feather thing. It is just making the game more interesting. It will eventually happen to one of us. We can use the paid service and interested help so many times and you can literally loose so much if you are a target, just like you can be skipped 8 times if someone put a pill on you and a few absences. For the challenges being more accessible on mobile, if you can have the other keyboard such as the more numbers and let ppl select the numbers? So allowing one more keyboard? But the speed may be an issue, though its possible to find the number on screen. But either way game will be ok. These are just my views.

Score: +0

5. Nikola,

for most challenges, it should be enough to just allow web client users to double tap anything in the game area and open a keyboard to type the answer.

However, really the rhythm challenge is an exception, as you need to enter in a precise timing. I have no idea if there is any good way to handle this without a keyboard with the current setup…
In theory it might be possible to add buttons 1 and 0 to the game area when a rhythm duel is active so you can press them and play, but it will still be pretty bad, but if nothing comes I would still do it, because at least the game won't get stuck if 2 people are playing on a touch screen and at least they can finish the challenge.
The same applies for musical challenge, but that's only because you won't be able to hear notes as they are being entered into this new dialog.

Regardless of this, I hope you also keep input the way it is on the Windows client/the web client with a keyboard as this is really nice, this should just be an optional element for a touch screen.

Score: +1

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