adding an option to the playroom!

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1. KoazayTekinOaghlu,

it will be good to add the option of sending voice message to the playroom.
if you can't add it to all the games, it'll be good if you can add it to the free tables for the better comunity!
thank you in advance!

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2. Popoluska ,

Ya agree, or something like is in rs games, i mean voice chatt. It would be very super to have something like that.

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3. MuhammadHajjar,

Wow, this will be awesome if we have this feature here.

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4. gaurasuryavanshi,

sorry but they are other programs for it.

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5. Popoluska ,

Anyways, it would be very good to have this, to hear others voices, to talk a bit. Surely we are reconnected with a skype, but anyways, talk while playing is very pleasant or while sitting in free table. smile

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6. MuhammadHajjar,

Yeah, totally agree, if we have it here, it'll be a big different, you can hear other's voices easier rather than adding him/her on skype only to hear him/her voice, and, think about this, while playing, in free tables etc etc, how much fun it'll be, typing in addition to voice chatting, this will be great.

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7. Riad,

A such option will be quite awesome. If the feature can't be implemented in the client, a playroom teamtalk server would be rather interesting.

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Last edited by Riad, Jun 21 2015 20:21:04

8. Popoluska ,

I agree with Riad, when nothing team talk server would be super.

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9. Riad,

I'm not wanting Playroom to become a clone for RS, but an official teamtalk server isn't a bad idea at all, at least we can have more fun while playing or in free tables, that's a quite affordable and good thing if it's not possible to implement it in the main client.

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10. afrim,

I myself don't think that voice messaging is important here. You have a very fast and convenient chat method, far better than RS games. Also reading messages is very simple, exactly like reading a document in microsoft word or any other program like that.

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11. LaraStardust,

While I agree voice messaging is not a priority for the playroom, it would be a fantastic feature to add to enable people to learn across languages, I.E an english person learning spanish with correct pronounciation.
This is a very valid idea and good idea to raise, and I think the admins should give it reall good consideration before refusing it flat.

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12. Raki,

I agree that this feature would be fantastic if done.
But, I think I've seen a while ago on a previous thread aminiel saying that it's not possible, I'm not sure though.

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13. Riad,

Well what we can do is to create our own teamtalk channel when being on free tables, and to invite people to join us to voice chat all together. That'd be the players' responsibility of maintaining the channel in case it's done, but anyway I don't think this feature will be implemented: seems like the programming language in which Aminiel has coded the platform doesn't allow such a thing.

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14. Exink,

Hmm, in that case we should simply create a Zello channel or whatever else.

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15. Riad,

yeah whatever, and I saw already a zello channel for that purpose: but may be we could create a temporary teamtalk one to voice chat in real time.

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16. wolfi,

I asked mayya about that and she said they don't have enough space or something for it.

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17. gaurasuryavanshi,

well maybe it's good, but maybee it's not so easy for doing.

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18. devinprater,

Well I think that whatever option is chosen, it should be accessible on all platforms. For example, while teamtalk is accessible on Windows, it is not very usable on the mac, but I believe Zello is. I wonder though, if voice clips would work better? The web client, for example, could just ask to use the microphone, record, send the mp3 file to the other person's browser for playback, and that'd be that. The file could be stored in the user's temp files so that it could be played in the future.

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19. gaurasuryavanshi,

yes nice idea

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20. BhavyaShah ,

If technicalities and dependencies permit the implementation of a voice chatting mechanism, this feature request should be given serious prioritization and worked upon. I understand that this may not be a simple task, however, it could potentially be an exciting feature addition to the QuentinC's Playroom. I would love to hear comments from the actual programmers and coders behind the client on their views on the ease and difficulties involved in this implementation. Voice messaging with fellow players or chatters on the Free Table would make the experience so much more pleasant!

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21. Aminiel,

As already said many many times, almost everybody has skype and it works not so badly.

It would be cool, indeed. But given the difficulty and the time needed to make a VoIP voice chat system, the priority is very low. Sorry but this is not crucial at all. There are a lot of other features that would be as cool but are far easier to do.

You even don't imagine how hard it is do do one yourself, or how expensive it is to integrate and be allowed to use an existing external system.

And please, please, please, stop asking a feature just because it is on RSGames. We aren't RSGames. If they can afford whatever voice chat server they like, nice for them, but we aren't forced to do the same.

Perhaps if one day the playroom become a paid platform, we can reopen the discussion. And of course it wouldn't be completely free.

For now, except if you have a killer free service to suggest or another brillant idea, stop requesting voice chat.

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22. Exink,

There are a lot of other features that would be as cool but are far easier to do.

And for example, what are they?

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23. BhavyaShah ,

Dear Aminiel,
Ok, I extend my understanding. I understand the difficulties in a VOIP chat system integration and wouldn't insist you to prioritize this. However, if at any stage, sufficient financial support and user demand has been received, we definitely should reopen this discussion.
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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24. Aminiel,

Yes, that's what I say. If one day the playroom become a paid plateform, we may reopen the discussion at that time.

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25. Exink,

But as you have said many times, it would be a bit unfair because there are some players that wouldn't be able to pay like me, due to our age.

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26. BhavyaShah ,

It is not the matter of paying or not. Presently, QuentinC's Playroom is a fully voluntary effort, and at some stage, for more advanced implementation and in return for the great work they have done and continue to do, they may hold a crowdfunding campaign or donation.
I would like to believe that this gaming platform wouldn't become a paid service altogether, but, just receive some financial funding for what it offers...
Let us not misinterpret Aminiel's comments.
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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27. LaraStardust,

block quote this is not rs games block quote nd
no it most certainly is not! I quite agree with aminiel, and in fact, in my personal opinion, this surpasses rs games

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28. Exink,

This platform is better than RsGames. Do you know why? One of the reasons is because the Playroom doesn't have annoying hads each 10 minutes.

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29. YNWA,

"It is not the matter of paying or not. Presently, QuentinC's Playroom is a fully voluntary effort,"

That is true but is the playroom maximising the potential that it's users contain. I think not! Certainly not in the English section and that is why abusers are free to continue their hate campaign. We know there is a lot of bad but equally there are a lot of talented individuals that would relish the opportunity to do more for the playroom and put something back into it but sadly that great wealth of talent is not being drilled into so we all miss out. It is why The Quiz Party is Pie in the Sky for people that want to play it on the English section. It is why there could be a backlog of say 2000 and ever growing unchanged usernames. I know 2 people who have asked for the same user name for example. I know Aminiel you have said that "you don't know anybody you can trust in the English Section" but if you don't by a rafel ticket you will never win the prize. Many of us have offered to help and are serious about it too as we love the playroom.

Saniel these are some of the things are important to people and don't cost a penny to deliver them!

I am not here to slaughter anybody and say they are doing a good job or not as we don't know what is going on behind the scenes but I do think that as this is the section with the majority of users we should be on an equal footing as the French, Italian and Spanish parts of the playroom who have 2, 3 if not more helpers with even less users to serve.

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30. Exink,

I know it, it's not necesary to mention it. Unfortunately, the english playroom is the home of the troublemakers due to the freedom that we have. What do I mean by freedom? Simply: the lack of the administration. I totally agree about that, but we are walking backwards, since it appears that the only admins in the english part are Aminiel and zorvax like some months ago. But what happened? As far as I know, it's not so easy to manage the playroom, even I've heard some administrators that have had a bit of pression by the playroom. Note, they weren't complaining about that, but I quote those words if there is any person who likes to say "Aye-aye, I've dreamed about to be an administrator".

But it's right; there are many persons that are willing to help to the general team, and so try to make of this big place a happy gaming comunity, like it should be. Therefore, it takes a bit of time. But what now? We had an english administrator and there were various users which were complaining about unfair bans, and other things.

You wanted to someone which could be able to review history reports, track the ips of the troublemakers and so ban them, and to someone in order to answer to the messages via f4 key, but after those persons started to complain about, making a lot of topics with the same subject, with the same answer by hand of the admins; stop creating multiple accounts. So, if that was the problem, what can the admins do to make you feel happy?

Then if someone is banned, is because he/she as done something to give a reason to the admins to start the banning.

I really don't know if the admin has left the administration, only I think. But I only can say something: there's a magic cure to solve the problems of the playroom, and the cure is you, I, they: In sumary, we are the cure.

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