Duck Racing Number of Laps

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Score: +2

1. jage,

Got a hopefully really simple suggestion for duck racing. Would it be possible to allow for games with 1 or 2 laps? Currently, even a 3 lap game can take a long time with lots of payers. The casino mode is quite fun BTW.

Score: +0

2. Emerald,

Would be pointless in my view. When you first start, getting through to square 30 for example basically means you did one lap since you start on square 0. Presuming that the first lap hasn’t really got anything goin as in traps since you’re only dropping things, lap 2 will make you miss them. I think three laps will make you have not only a chance to put things down and lay your game but also for someone to land on the square if they missed it second lap.
In my view the number of laps isn’t the issue of why it makes it longer, it’s the cards being played. For example the absences and challenges, how many feathers one has vs being frozen. These will all make an impact. As such you really need to set aside time to play this game and expect it to be long. Plus players will go absent, some will calculate so won’t really be playing fast etc.

Score: +1

3. jage,

Your points are valid, but when you have a game with 8 or 9 people, then traps still can hurt others,, so a shorter game can work. I figured it would be a very easy option to add since the number of laps box is already showing. You don't have to use it if it doesn't work for you.

Score: +0

4. YNWA,

I think the number of Duck racing laps are fine. As with in any game when you keep adding more players then naturally the game will take longer as it does with Bouillabaisse. If you do play with 8 or 9 players then you should expect the game to take longer. It will also depend on what challenges you select at the start as some last longer than others to complete. Would someone playing with 12 players want to play just 15 squares? Sometimes if you have too many players it can make the game boring as you have to wait too long between turns.

Score: -1

5. Vojvoda,

I think we should be also able to write the number of labs manually, over 10 that is.

Score: +0

6. Emerald,

Woo you play 10 laps regularly then? Most get bored after 4/5 laps. How long wold you have it if you could edit?

Score: +0

7. Eduardo_sousa,

In my opinion, the way Challenges are selected should be changed. It's quite annoying to have to select them one by one. There should be a basic mode with some challenges already pre-selected, and an advanced mode with all the challenges, as well as a customized mode where we could choose which challenges to use.

Score: +0

8. Aminiel,


IF you do less than 3 laps, then the whole mechanic of dropping a card and making someone else landing on it becomes almost useless.
Yes, a game with 3 laps takes quite a while when there are 10 players, but that's normal. That's the case for any game in general: more players = longer game = more time waiting your turn.

IN the other side, almost nobody plays 10 laps anyway, so giving options to go beyond that looks also totally uninteresting.
A game takes already a lot of time with 6 or 7 laps and especially when ythere are 5 or more players, so more than 10 laps, well... you have the time to get asleep.

Score: +1

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