Information: in game table press F2 for open a list of avelable fonctions. spelling corrections

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1. BhavyaShah ,

Dear all,
The informational note or tip 'Information: in game table press F2 for open a list of avelable fonctions.
' has two major spelling errors.
avelable is correctly spelt as 'available'
fonctions is correctly spelt as 'functions'
Just notifying so that Aminiel can fix these spelling errors and linguistic deficiencies in subsequent minor releases of Playroom client.
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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2. YNWA,

I can find errors in your article too!

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3. BhavyaShah ,

Well, I'm confused?

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4. YNWA,

I am sure you do not want me to point them out on here so if you pm me I will show you as they are minor ones. I am just giving you an example. The ones I spoke of such as seri for example was an error that could confuse players.

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5. wolfi,

first of all everyone makes mistakes

second everyone knows that the admins english is not their natives

so nice from them for keeping it just the best way for the players to understand

we shouldn't be looking at every singel mistake

or other ways it'll not be seccess

I"m making spelling mistakes, english mistakes, even though I live in the US




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6. Aminiel,

Please tell at which place and at which moment you saw this message. Otherwise there are so many that it's very hard to find it.

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7. afrim,

This message is shown in the playroom when you enter in this platform, or when you leave a table. It's an informative message which is normally displayed whenever you come to the mainroom.

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8. LaraStardust,

well said YNWA

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9. Exink,

But everyone knows that we have SOME SPELLING errors in the Playroom. For example,a another welcome note sais: "Do you want to stay with us in your webbrosser?" or for example in the forum the description for the Tea room is "take a drink and ahve fun". Well, if necesary, Aminiel had corrected it since long time ago, but since it is not the case, well... Also keep in mind that he is not a native english speaker, so it's common to make some mistakes.

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10. LaraStardust,

you know i think ahve is aminiels signiture trade mark heh all ahvs should be left for the reason of just because lol

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11. BhavyaShah ,

A minor clarification I would like to make to exterminate any unintended or misinterpreted potential confusion.

  • I fully understand and wholeheartedly respect the fact that Aminiel and our other Playroom developers and admins do not speak English as their primary or native language.
  • Even for fluent English speakers, linguistic errors and mistakes in general, are an integral part of life.
  • My objective of notifying Aminiel of this was so that he could fix it in an upcoming update, and certainly not to point out and pick on his lack of proficiency in English.
  • The fact that our Playroom developer isn't a fluent English speaker should not become readily apparent to new Playroom joiners and members through these rectifiable spelling errors and the QuentinC's Playroom must always adopt a qualitative approach and professional sophistication, as it is doing at present.
  • Every human has his limitations and I and we do and should cherish that truth of life, and always strive to improve and optimize everything to the extent possible...
    And I hope that ellucidates matters a bit...
    Best Regards,
    Bhavya Shah.
    P.S. Aminiel, when our focus returns to the main room, we are presented with an informational tip. This is one of them. Thanks for your careful consideration.

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12. LaraStardust,

bavya sha, if i may?
Why does one insist on using overly elustrious words that do not fit into ones context to address overly minor matters that can be explained on a high level of understanding globally in the forums in a few simple short words? You have clarified yourself the understanding that aminiel is not a native english speaker so would it not make more logical sense to address such matters in shorter wording?
I am simply inquiring this as to me it seems overly elogical to address a non english speaker, how ever proficient, in this mannor.
While my views may not be those of the other players and indeed admins, these are my views.
Best regards.
Dard dee dar

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13. fire-starter,

i dont care bout it

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14. The-white-dove,

Very well said, Dardar.

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15. afrim,

Actually that was a too soffisticated post with an overcomplicated writing style that leads to a large extent of complexity and a super high degree of philosophy that shows a consequential presence of a marvelously high level of intellectuality.

I needed to look through it three times to understand its content. :p

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Last edited by afrim, Aug 11 2015 22:29:41

16. LaraStardust,

lol that's the point afrim :D :D :D

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17. Raki,

I agree, dardar, most of the time, the words he uses and the context he uses them in, makes, no sence at all.
This is playroom, not the final paper to a univercity examination.
Dumb it down mate, you don't make yourself looke smarter with that language.

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18. LaraStardust,

xactly bruh

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19. Riad,

Hello. Bhavyashah's English is correct in its grammar and vocabulary, but it's too complexe for me to understand with Vocalizer Daniel at rate 100 while I'm able to understand all others at the same rate :P

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20. afrim,

many people here don't have a better degree of language than B1 or b2 level, and I myself am dubious whether I can own a degree on C1 level. The point is, use a simple, daily language cause most of the people will get confused, surely, apart from native ones. That post reminded me the time of essaies at school where I would spend two and a half hours to pick the appropriate language associated with a number of phrasal verbs and idioms in order to grab a good mark from my teacher :d

Anyway, if english isn't your native language, congratulations mate, you're too good for your age.

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21. YNWA,

there are errors. Just pointing a couple out, I don't think the playroom can pick up these errors but the staff may be able too. (staff was missing) Joiners I would question what are we joining? We are not members of the Playroom just users. If the platform became a paid service then of course we would be members but I am not getting into that debate

I have said in a previous post that we need English that is simple for people to understand so we can get more people to play more of the games here. The errors you pointed out does not stop people playing games or impair their understanding of a game and that is more important to me. I know because I have taught many players here and some of those are native speakers too. I will also add that a number of the people I taught are far more inteligent than I will ever be so you can see complicating English is unnecessary. Many of the best thought-provoking articles are written in simple English and that to me is beauty of the language.

Keep it simple!

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22. LaraStardust,

I quite agree YNWA

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23. BhavyaShah ,

Dardar - valid point to which I am compelled to agree. I believe my English is not pretentiously over-intellectual or something of that sort, but, certainly, not all are native English speakers.
I will write in simpler and more universally understandable language from now...
But, then again, how I wish this could have been notified to me in a more civil and polite manner, similar to Mr.Riad's post...
Anyways, I apologize that my request for a simple spelling error caused this amount of unwanted clutter.
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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24. wolfi,

and bhavyashah actually when I talk to you on skype, I don't understand you, and I always ask you to write what you said, and please guys, just know that the admins english is not their native instead of supporting them, we tell them about a mistake that almost nobody cares about?


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25. BhavyaShah ,

I do not have a powerful microphone, hence, there is less quality in our Skype call. My accent may be the best or worst in the world, and that shall always remain a subjective matter, but, the-quiet-feelings, please do understand that I am not criticising Aminiel for making one spelling error.
If there is any unintrusive way I could convey such trivial errors to you, privately, do inform me of such, so as not to clutter the forum in the future...
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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26. YNWA,

It is possible to turn your volume up on windows 7 and that will help you a little by going into the control pannel.

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27. BhavyaShah ,

Oh, ok thanks. Will check.

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28. Popoluska ,

When you are talking about missspelling, look on this:
Information: if you want come with us with your webbrosser or your mobile phone, go to http://qcsalon/en/game !
It should to be webbrouser, not brosser.
best regards SheWolf

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29. Exink,

Exactly SheWolf, that's the message which I meant. Thanks for posting it.

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Last edited by Exink, Aug 14 2015 21:11:03

30. Popoluska ,

you're welcome.

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