I forgot a few things. (refused)

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1. CathyAnne,

Changing passwords should be an option on the menu, not something that should only be done on the internet website. Also, also, you should be allowed to change your email address and user name also at the same time. This shouldn't also be a thirty day thing.

Score: -1

2. Aminiel,


Changing username, password and/or e-mail at the same time isn't allowed to make stealing accounts a little harder. This will never be allowed, and it anyway raises embarrassing questions, like should the password still be changed if the new e-mail isn't verified in time ? Therefore, it's so also because of simplicity.
Notice that, it almost, if not all, other services on the Internet, it's always separate operations as well. This allows to validate them separately.

Changing your username is limited to prevent from abuses, and because if everybody always change their username all the time, then you never recognize anyone anymore.
If it was only me, I would disallow it completely, and only allow it in special circumstances (like in case of harassing)

Changing your password directly from the client has been already requested several times. It's something doable, but very very low in priority, as it isn't asked so frequently, and as there are much more urgent and interesting things to do.

Score: +3

3. Mohammedradwan2003,

I actually had a question about changing E-mails. As some of you are aware, I used to get banned lots, and other players, thanks to an unfair helper who was around during 2015 2016 period. I mentioned my complete story in a post on the forum so that I can hopefully get my voice heard and so that I don't get banned, but, I have one issue, all the e-mails I have are occupied by old, unfairly banned accounts. So how I can actually make it that I can change my e-mail address to an e-mail I use often? The current e-mail isn't something I use, and isn't an e-mail I use a lot or at all really. Here's the topic link, note that my English was so bad. I was still in high school, not in a faculty which teaches translation and interpretation. https://qcsalon.net/en/forum2000000/topic38368

Score: +0

Last edited by Mohammedradwan2003, May 18 2024 15:11:55

4. Aminiel,


This isn't an easy question, and we don't have a good solution to handle it, sadly.

We can't simply delete banned accounts, because it means that the bad person might reuse it, and of course we don't want that.
In particular for e-mails, it means that you can reuse it to create another account, and statistically, someone who have made real abuses is very likely to abuse again if he can.

Leave any door open and you can be sure that it will be found and abused, much sooner and frequently than you think. That's already enough with all the open doors we even don't know that they are there.
That's why banned accounts are basically kept forever.

However, there exists the right of forgiveness.
But when can we safely delete that misused account and be sure that it won't be misused again ? We have already seen banned people who count days and are able to come back precisely when we thought they were definitely gone. So we can't put a simple rule of 1 year or whatever, as we did for simple inactive accounts.

So this isn't something we can fix automatically. I invite you to contact us privately about your specific case.

Score: +2

5. Mohammedradwan2003,

How can I do that?

Score: +0

6. Aminiel,

>How can I do that?

Contact helpers, and they will follow to us, or via the contact page.

Score: +1

7. Mohammedradwan2003,

Can I send the message in English on the contact page?

Score: +0

8. Aminiel,

Can I send the message in English on the contact page?

Yes. English helpers will forward it to us if they can't handle it themselves.

Score: +1

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