adding the l.a.m.a game

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1. flying_dragon,

hi, i know a game called lama, it would be cool if it could be addet to the playroom.
i think there is an explanation how the game works online.
it is a card game.

Score: +0

2. glad,

never hurd of it. can you explain it a bit. thanks

Score: +0

3. flying_dragon,

here is an answer from chat gpt, i think there are better explanations online:
On your turn, you can:
• Play a card: Place a card on the discard pile that matches or is one higher than the top card. LAMA cards can be played on a 6 or another LAMA.
• Draw a card: Take one card from the draw pile if you can't or don't want to play.
• Pass: Stop playing for the current round and set your hand aside.
End of the round:
• The round ends when a player has no cards left or when all players pass.
• Players count the unique cards left in their hands:
• Numbered cards count for their face value.
• LAMA cards count for 10 points.
• Points are tracked with tokens (white for 1 point, black for 10 points).
• The game ends when a player reaches 40 points.
• The player with the fewest points at the end wins.
The strategic goal is to manage your hand to minimize points and ideally get rid of all your cards to reduce your penalties.

Score: +0

4. CathyAnne,

Well, if you wish to add another game to the play room, I don't have an issue with that.

Score: +0

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