Adding the ability to create game tables when choosing a person from the mainroom

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1. Sajad-Aliraqi,

This title might not say a lot, but there isn't a better way to put it straight. It is molesting trying to find someone to play with you through online player lists, I suggest adding an option when pressing shift+W In the mainroom to create a new game, and when you select the game you want to, that player will be immediately invited to join.

Score: +0

2. glad,

but how do the playroom makes sure which friend you want to play or he wants to play or not. It seams complex to me to implement.

Score: +0

3. Marina,

I mean, why just not create the table first then press the ctrl+w and try to look for players the same way. Why do you need to do it from the mainroom? I am not against, but I fail to see the big value this would provide or even the whole issue.

Score: +1

4. Nikola,

I understand the point of the request, but at the same time, I don't think it will be as useful as you think in practice.

Basically, what Sajad is trying to say is that when you create a table, you could look at the list of 100 and often many more online users, most of whom are busy playing a game. 30 or 40 of them might be in the main room. This can take quite long. So, in the main room, you can press Shift+W to view only the main room list, but now you can't directly invite someone to a game from there.
The suggestion would be to be able to invite a player from the main room list, which would, in theory, display only the players available for a game.
Feel free to clarify if I understood this wrong.

As for why I don't think it will be useful in practice, well, the fact that I'm in the main room doesn't necessarily mean I want to play something. This is where it's quite a shame we don't have main room chat, it would be more practical to just go there and ask, "Hey, does somebody want to play Scopa?" Of course in English this is really impossible to handle, and probably that's not the best one either.

This is actually where I quite like what RS Games did, and being the Playroom, we could probably do this a lot better. On there, you could basically create a game, and send a notification that you opened a table of that game. This notification is sent to everybody available and waiting for a game, and you can turn them off if you wish.

As for why I said we could do it better? Well, it would be a lot more interesting if you could subscribe to the notifications for only some specific games you really like and ignore the rest, rather than a global everything or nothing.

In summary, I think it's a valid issue of finding players for a specific game, but I don't think this approach will solve it.

Score: +2

5. Sajad-Aliraqi,

@nikola Grate clarification; thank you. I am also not against notifications. I know most people on mainroom are either there because they don't make free tables or they don't play, but it's just the case with any other player, you invite them and they might join or not.

Score: +0

6. glad,

I agree with the notification thing

Score: +0

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