Teams in 1000 miles

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1. georgie,

Hi, when I play 1000 miles in teams and I want to swap team members, it says to press numbers 1 through 6 to do that but this doesn't work. When I press a number it tells me what the teams are but they are the same. Anyone know how to fix this?

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2. Aminiel,

In fact, you have to press two numbers to make two players swap. The first number you press does nothing, the swap is made after you press the second one.

I know, it's really not clear and easy to use. I haven't found any good solution to make teams easily yet.

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Last edited by Aminiel, Jun 3 2011 07:44:18

3. georgie,

Hmm, how about a list of choices that comes up with all possible combinations of teams, and you have to arrow up and down through the choices? Don't know how hard that would be to program, just an idea for future

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4. Aminiel,

I think it's not so practical. For 2 teams of 2, there is 6 combinations. Well, why not. But for 2 teams of 3, there is 20 combinations. Probably not so nice to arrow up and down through 20 combinations, and even more for more teams.

  • 2 teams of 2 = 6 combinations (ok)
  • 3 teams of 2 = 15 combinations (why not)
  • 2 teams of 3 = 20 combinations (no more so ok)
  • 4 teams of 2 = 28 combinations (even less ok)
  • 2 teams of 4 = 70 combinations (argh!)
  • 3 teams of 3 = 84 combinations (argh!)

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