Playroom 2: ftables sorting suggestion

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1. Myszojelen,

Hello again!
I have a small suggestion regarding the order in which games in the "Join table" menu are shown.
I think it would be a bit more useful if on the top there were tables that have games which can be joined and played I..E. not in progress, then those which have no free tables left (by free I mean the ones where the game hasn't started yet), rather than what is there now which I think is the order in which the games are shown on the table creation sreen.
What do you think
Best regards

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,

The tables are already shown in order opened first, in progress last. I don't really understand the suggestion then.

Score: +0

3. Myszojelen,

Hello and thank you for the info.
What I was talking about though were the games themselves not particular tables within games so if for example there's a game of Farkle opened but there are some Monopoly tables in progress as well Farkle would be displayed first, then Monopoly so the first thing people see after clicking "join a table" are those games where tables are free yet.

Score: +0

4. Aminiel,

You mean listing all opened tables regardless of the game ?

If you mean that, sorry, it wont reappear as it was before. We made the choice to sort by game first because we noticed that it was quite mixed up in the v1, especially in the evening when there are many people.

Score: +0

5. Myszojelen,

No, no
Let me show it to you based on an example of a current situation:
Currently when I go to "Join a table" I can see:
1000 miles (0/1)
Farkle beta (1/1)
My suggestion would be to turn those the other way round to have
Farkle beta 1/1
1000 miles 0/1
So the game where the tables are still open is displayed first in the order of all the games with tables, then those games where there are only tables in progress.
I hope I made it clearer now.
Sorry for any misunderstanding caused.
Best regards

Score: +0

6. Aminiel,

Aha ! Thanks, I didn't understand.

I don't think that's a good idea to do so that the different games aren't listed in the same order. With your idea, games will appear quite in a random order. I find it better if the games can always be listed in the same order.

Plus, I'm not sure that it is really useful. Typically, you will want to play a particular game, may it still be open tables or not, and not absolutely join the first table you find.

Score: +0

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