A playroom-themed cards against humanity pack

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1. HeadphoneJack,


There were ideas to add other cards against humanity packs for a while, and in particular one themed around the playroom and further audiogame community has potential. I made a repository with some ideas for question and answer cards here:

before going too far with the potential cards, I was interested how much interests is there from the developers, and how they'd like to handle the submissions. The repository I linked is public, and I fully control who can add it, but of course it can't be used in the playroom as is. Assuming that such a pack is going to be added, I propose to fill the files in the repository with ideas submitted from the players here, and when the developer is ready he may add it in whole or in part. I'm of course open to other approaches.

A general suggestions about potential cards against humanity packs, instead of selecting a single one, have the ability to select multiple, mixing together their question and answer cards. This would be especially useful for a pack like this, which isn't likely to become as big as the default one, and is likely to work best mixed in with the main one.

Kind regards,


Score: +1

Last edited by HeadphoneJack, Jan 4 2025 09:26:56

2. Aminiel,


Your link doesn't work, 404 not found.

So for the moment I can't say anything, accept or deny. As a general rule, it shouldn't be too agressive even with the warning, so avoid racism and the like, and if possible, it should be reasonably translatable.

I don't think mixing several packs is a good idea. Maybe there are a few funny things to do, but I'm afraid that there could be a lot more annoyance because of consistency. It isn't as easy in other languages than in English to make cards that can go everywhere. This has to be checked carefully.

Score: +0

3. HeadphoneJack,


I tried to edit the message, and I'm able to reach it, at least when opening it on the web and clicking on it.

Sorry for this.

Score: +0

4. dhegwork-adakly,

I was able to access the questions and answers, and I think it's fine. It is a game room-themed pack. The only thing that doesn't seem right to me is that important usernames (let alone the developer's) are used for in-game responses. It seems like a mockery towards the users to me. Although if they agree there would be no problem.
Knowing the players, and the combinations of answers and questions that are usually given in the games, I imagine many inappropriate phrases that would imply the names of the users you put in the answers.
By the way, you will need more questions and answers for the pack to be large enough to be entertaining, currently there are few, and they would have to be added as a complement to the already existing pack to be entertaining.

Score: +0

Last edited by dhegwork-adakly, Jan 4 2025 12:14:13

5. HeadphoneJack,


yeah of course this isn't going to be the full pack, it's just a start, once I know whether and how it's going to be implemented I'll add more.

About the names, that's what I was thinking about too, and that's why I didn't and I suggest not including the names of average playroom users. However I think that a pack themed around the playroom not mentioning its developer would be lost potential, and as the disclaimer says, the point is to get awkward and yes, somewhat offensive phrases as ar esult.

Of course, in the end, it'll be up to Aminiel whether such things will be included.

Score: +0

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