duck racing challenges regarding playroom games

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1. horse,

Edit I'm aware that some physical games have different components than the playroom version. So specifying playroom would need to be exagerated, though the challenge descriptions do mention that.
Currently pr stands for playroom. Not sure the best way to approach these meta titles. Maybe just game, or parlour game. Or tabletop? I think tabletop would probably fit best.

PR Component Usage:
Which of these playroom games feature the use of board|cards|dice|dominos?
The user is given a list of 5 games from the playroom. Make selection with checkboxes and press done to submit.

PR Identify Components:
Select all components present in game x from the playroom.
Same as before, list of checkboxes. However this one isn't random items, it always has the same values.
Board, Cards, Dice, Dominos.

Score: +0

Last edited by horse, Jan 10 2025 03:08:26

2. glad,

it will get boring after two plays i think to me.

Score: +0

3. horse,

Perhaps, yeah. It's certainly not the best suggestions out there. But people play a different variety of games, thus they have more control over winning and losing these types of challenges. Some people might find that appealing.

Score: +0

4. Aminiel,


Globally, I find the proposition interesting. It encourages players to discover what other games are about. So why not! I'm still wondering what would be the best form for this challenge. A single question with several answers to check as proposed ? A batch of questions where you have to quickly sort out what is what (more in the form of Crazy Party minigame sorting) ? Ideas from other people are welcome.

Score: +0

5. horse,

I think it would be best if these two challenges remained separate as inverses. However for your second idea of matching multiple games, I have another idea for that.

PR game Feature Matchup:
For each game presented, select the features that the game does or does not support.
The user is given a menu of 5 games, and clicking on each one brings up a list of checkboxes.
Supports teams, has tricks, can have a reaction element, multiple players at once, etc.
Note that can have a reaction element doesn't mean it is required, such as uno. Multiple players at once are games like 6 takes, not turn by turn.
Whoever has the most accurate answers wins.
Features are different than components, thus I think this being one giant challenge would fit better overall. However this is a complex ui for a duck race challenge, menus inside of a menu.

PR special Trait:
Which one of these games has a special effect when the x card|domino|dice is played?
For example queen of spades, jack of diamonds, domino 0/0, rolling 4,2,1 with dice.
This time just a simple menu of 5 or so games and the user can press enter to select the answer.

Lots more we could do with this type of meta category. And yes it is meant to encourage players to check out or at least learn about more games.
If nothing else, these are challenges that the user has 100% control over winning or losing. All the knowledge they need is right here in the playroom accessible to any player.

Score: +0

6. glad,

it seams nice if we can impliment this way.

Score: +0

7. HeadphoneJack,

I like the idea of this challenge, but perhaps it could be made simpler by having the same interface as quiz party questions? That would also make room for different kinds of questions like "what game starts with 30 tokens on the board", "which monopoly board features squares 'New York' and 'London'", etc.

For the format, I have two ideas: ask players a few (I think 3-5 is a good number for this) questions and whoever got more wins. Another one is to give players say a minute and give them a chance to answer as many questions as possible. These formats are technically independent from the content of the questions themselves, so this could work for speed questions, quiz party questions, etc.

Score: +0

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