
10 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. bridey,

Are the rules for this game available on the web site anywhere and is the object of the game to score the lowest points to win?

Score: +0

2. ns-studios,

for the second, nope. every point which you get in each level (but not in the 5th) is negativ and you must be in a minus (really minus is a plus, because when you are in the plus you are in the minus - inverse) after 5th round.
If you have after 5th round for example 1000 points, and and another user -1000 another user will win, because he/she is in the plus (inverse as i said).

Score: +0

3. milorad,

I am little confused let's wait authore to give rules to as...

Score: +0

4. Aminiel,

The winner is the player with the lowest score. Watch the behavior of the bots: the base principle is to get as less tricks as possible, except at last round where all points are counted negative.

Score: +0

5. milorad,

Hmm, how I can get 0 points in one round? I better understand yet, but it's not totally clear...

Score: +0

6. Aminiel,

More info :

  • At first round, each trick give you 5 points
  • At 2nd round, each card of a particular color give you 10 points
  • At 3rd round, each card of a certain kind give you 50 points
  • At 4th round, a particlar card give you 200 points
  • A 5th round, the rules of the first 4 rounds count together
  • At 6th and last round, everything count but in negative !

The color of the 2nd round, the kind of the 3rd round and the card of the 4th round are randomly chosen. If you think it's hard, remember that in general, you should take as least tricks as possible, except at final round where you have chance to lose points.

You must always follow the suit if you can.

Score: +0

Last edited by Aminiel, Jun 9 2011 11:25:41

7. BubbyGirl,

ahhh kind of like hearts hmm will have to play this game a little more.

Score: +0

8. Giovani ,

but please, don't working in this game letter 'f'. It is command for suit or something. If I press this command, program says to me: "missing string@fond' or somethink. Please, repair it or fix it. I am sorry, my English is sometimes very bad.

Score: +0

9. Aminiel,

Thank you for the bug report about F key, but please don't multiply topics about that bug. I'm very buzy at the moment and wont be able to fix it before sunday.

Score: +0

10. Giovani ,

OK, Your welcome.

Score: +0

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